Friday, June 24, 2011

More Photos of Civil War Remembrance

My good friends, Mari & Darrin, came to the Civil War Remembrance at Greenfield Village on Memorial Day (you can see my other posting for here). It was their first time coming to a Civil War reenactment and were amazed at the number of reenactors as well as to what extent that they go to for this *hobby*.
They both took some very good pictures while there and I would like to share a few of them with you all. Not all the photos herein were taken by them, however...a couple are mine and there are one or two by another friend.
This event is really a very fine one indeed. Most participants really make the attempt for accuracy in their clothing and presentation, and the opportunity to speak with literally thousands of visitors is at a premium. And there are also the dozens upon dozens of actual period structures that surround us.
All in all, this is one of the most fun events due to the shear size and historic content of Greenfield Village. Plus, it's the first really BIG event of the year, and seeing friends you haven't seen since last fall is always a good thing!
I hope you enjoy this part two of Memorial Day/Decoration Day in pictures:

The Union army marches onto the Village Green for the Decoration Day service

The Cavalry join the infantry on the Village Green

The Civilians join the military in this solemn service

The Ladies in Mourning play a prominent role

The brass music of Dodworth Saxhorn Band add greatly to the occasion

Literally thousands of visitors watch from the sidelines

Ladies in Mourning at the Adams House
(click here for more information on this presentation)

A period fashion show, hosted by Beth Turza, is always a very popular feature at this event

Of course, for those who have never been to 1861, there is a fashion show everywhere you turn!

Looking over the scene of the military taking over the Village

And period music can be heard throughout the Village

.A farm boy emulates his big brothers off fighting to preserve the Union

One can view the military from Dr. Howard's office window
Click here for more information on Dr. Howard)

Three military men walk the streets of town

The men of the 21st Michigan are ready!

I wonder what these two brothers are saying to each other...?

~Of course, clothing does need to be washed and dried after a long and hot weekend~


1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate this post. The Flack Jacket brought back some memories. I'm glad there is a place to preserve history about our Military. Thank you again for posting this wonderful account of your time at the museum.
    Military Clothing
