Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pictures From the Last Few Civil War Era Events I Participated In

For most of July and the early part of August I have participated in, perhaps, some of the finest living history I have ever done. And the other living historians that I have been lucky - no, blessed - to travel to the past with are, in my opinion, the best of the best.
Everyone was nearly an immersion experience. I say "nearly" because none were true immersion, but the feeling was there - that's how good these events were.

Anyhow, I thought I'd include an album of pictures from some them.
I hope you enjoy them:

Charlton Park, Hastings, Michigan - July:

Miss Graber shops at the general store. What will she purchase? A new chamber pot perhaps?

As her escort to the store, I await for her outside while she makes her purchase.

Here are some young ladies looking to join the police force! (Yes, we have fun at our events!)

Port Sanilac, Michigan (early August):

My wife and I during a moment of peace in God's country

A skirmish in town had the townsfolk running for cover!

A mother grieves over the body of a poor young girl who was met with a rebel bullet

There was a fashion show in town and both sides of the military explained their uniforms and accouterments

President and Mrs. Lincoln were also part of the fashion show

My daughter found many different ways to amuse herself!

Crossroads Village, Flint, Michigan (July):

Playing music on the Tavern porchWe are very proud to be Americans and proud of our Union men fighting to keep our country together!

Your friendly village postmaster

Listening to the Mayor speak

Waiting for the train to come in

Here comes the train, carrying the proud Yankee soldiers home to their families!

The banker with customers

Townsfolk at the homecoming of our men in blue

Pastor Purdue and his Congregation

A couple strolling the wood-plank walks of the Village

And there you have some (just a very few) of the many photos taken at what I consider to be truly fine top-notch events where authenticity reigned and the past came to life.
Can't wait for the next experience!!



  1. I reconize David Walker as "The Banker"! I still think it's a shame you won't be attending Hale Farm's reenactment this weekend, it would have been nice to actually meet you.

  2. I wish we could attend Hale farm - - - we will be in may never know for 20100.
    You know Dave? What a really nice guy! He is also part of the 21st Michigan - the unit I belong to as well.

  3. Ken-

    You have so many great pictures here, and most of them have no hint of anything "modern" hidden somehwhere in the shot! What nice memories you have of these events. And what a wonderful hobby and lifestyle to live. Thank you so much for sharing!


  4. Thank you Pam. Your words mean a lot to me.
    And you're right - is it a lifestyle!

  5. This would have been a most memorable experience for me.One day I am sure I will have such an adventure.Thanks for sharing.
    Lady Estelle

  6. Miss Estelle, we would love to have you visit Michigan and join us in an event or two!
