Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ramblings About the Heat...or...Yes, It's True - I Don't Have Air-Conditioning!

Okay - I have to tell you...I'm ready for fall.
Really, I am.
Besides the fact that I love the harvest time of year, with the changing leaves, the traditional holidays, baking, and just an overall wooden feel, I also love it when we get a nip in the air.
Normally, I'm not so anxious for the fall this early in the year. However, this summer has been so dog-gone HOT!! I am just not enjoying it at all.
Mind! I am enjoying my summertime activities, especially reenacting (duh!!). But, the oppressive heat makes even sitting at my computer tough. You see, we are one of the few that do not have central air-conditioning. We do, however, have a window air-conditioner upstairs in my mother's room - she's 80 years old and absolutely needs one, especially the way this summer has been. But, other than that, we depend on whatever breeze God decides to send our way.
Oh, and the ceiling fans, too.
When I told a co-worker about our lack of air, he replied, "Figures. You dress like you live in the 1860's, you might as well act like it!"
Another said, "I couldn't live without my air! I suffer going from the house to the car!"
My response is that I can handle the heat much better than they can because I don't have an air-conditioner. I have found that to be true on every account.
They have become 21st century wimps!
Now, don't get me wrong - there were a few times...actually, more than a few times that I secretly wished I had air.
But, then I realize if we did, we'd be cooped up from May til October because "it's hot out! Let's turn on the air!"
"But, it's only 75 degrees!"
"It's still too hot!"
Then, from November through April it'd be too cold to open the window!
I remember another friend had a window air-conditioner in his living room. He then used blankets to block off the kitchen and a back room, which they now couldn't use because "it's too hot back there!"
But, his little living room was comfortable.
Ever hear of cool-down showers?
Now, for the history portion of this post (this is Passion for the Past, you know):
If my ancestors could do it, my family and I can as well!
(And they didn't have cool-down showers!)

Back to history/living history next blog!


  1. I agree 100% with everything you said, including that I've wished for AC this year. Normally I don't mind the heat but there have been days where it's just been debilitating. I'm ready for the slower pace of autumn too.

    Mrs. G

  2. I love all things Victorian, but NOT the sweltering heat! I must admit, I am a big fan of my central AC. It does make my blood boil, though, when I see the electric bills!

