Charlton Park is a very special event for many of us who participate. First off, the kind folks who run the historic open-air village, located in rural mid-Michigan, certainly are to be commended for entrusting a few of us living historians to practice the art of 1st person and immersion - and we get to do so in a house built in the mid-1800s, making it even more historically accurate.
Each year we re-create a southern-leaning family living in Maryland, which was a border state during the War. Why do we side with the south for this event? Because all year long we are northern civilians, so it's kind of nice to do the "other side" once in a while. And it allows us to set up situations and scenarios that you simply cannot do the other way around.
Of course, I had my 'stealth camera' with me...and not only did I take pictures but I gave it to another for other angles, and she did a wonderful job!
Now...there is a story to be told here...are you ready to go back?
Meet my 1860s family - -
We sure do look like a proper Victorian family, don't we?
I say this every year, but it bears repeating:
The three of us in this picture are not related, but portray ourselves as an 1860s family. We all work very well together in helping to create this in a believable way, and that's not an easy thing to do. But we know each other well enough that we can come off as being natural...real.
Many thanks must go out to all involved - including our real spouses! - in helping and allowing us to create this realistic and workable scenario. |
I also have, in this 1860s family, three sisters - two older and one younger - and you shall meet them shortly.
Imagine waking up from your slumber and opening your front door only to see this scene:
My Lord! The Yankees have taken over the town! |
The artillery have set up the cannons facing the river.
And on the Village Green there were Yankee soldiers marching and drilling, firing their muskets to show their might. |
"Oh my! Father! Have you seen what is coming down the road?"
"Yes, daughter, I have seen the tents and cannons." |
"But father, it looks like a whole regiment of Yankee soldiers...and they are marching this way!" |
"And they have stopped directly in front of our home!" |
Yes, my daughter was quite correct. The Yankees stood for what seemed like hours but was, in actuality, only a few minutes before banging on our front door. |
I made the attempt to shut them out but they forced their way in and told us they were requisitioning our home for use as possible headquarters! |
Fortunately for us, our home was much too small to be used for their purpose, and the Yankees marched off to find another that would be more accommodating to them. But many neighbors gathered to see what the commotion was.
Some of our friends remained and came in to visit. You see, two of my sisters had traveled a long journey by train and carriage for our annual summer reunion. Many neighbors and old friends stopped in throughout the day, which made it very special for all of us, especially my two sisters.
We really put a lot of effort into our scenarios, and it always adds to the picture when friends stop by...especially when these friends are willing to do 1st person right along with us!
These lovely ladies fit right in perfectly! |
But - knock-knock-knock! - we had another guest - - a very special guest:
Why---it's Mr. Bagley! |
Now, Mr. Bagley is a fictitious character I 'created' a few years back. We were having a conversation and my sisters and I were reminiscing about our youth. In my story, I 'remembered' Mr. Bagley wanting to have a courtship with my sister, Jacqueline, but our father was not fond of this man and scared him away...for good...or so we thought.
Last year, Mr. Bagley surprised us all - mostly Jacqueline - with a visit! The look on Jacqueline's face when his name was announced...then there he was---right before us in living color (yes, I found a man who was willing to portray this former suitor wannabe! Click
HERE to visit last year's posting)
So, as it went, after decades, Jacqueline and Mr. Bagley reunited.
Well, this year, our own Pete Bagley had other ideas - - - -
Initially, we all enjoyed polite conversation as we sat in the back parlor. After a short time, Mr. Bagley asked if he may speak to Jacqueline privately in the front parlor... |
Jacqueline got the surprise of her life when Mr. Bagley got down on one knee and pulled out a ring... |
Of course, she said "yes!" and such joy permeated throughout our home! Larissa excitedly suggested the two of them get married right away, so we sent Jillian off to find the preacher! |
Only she didn't come back with the preacher...instead, another supposed suitor, who also had had his eye upon my dear sister, entered our home, with the devil in his eyes. |
Mr. Heath felt he had been spurned, for he noted that Jacqueline had lead him to believe he was in her interest, and demanded that the betrothed recount their actions. |
Of course, after decades of waiting to finally marry Jacqueline, Mr. Bagley was not about to give her up again. An argument ensued with the outcome being...a duel! |
This, after the excitement of Yankee soldiers invading our house!
The two men stepped outside...right outside our front gate! |
Everyone watched in horror at what was about to take place. |
The two men stood back-to-back and prepared to walk the ten paces...ten paces to death - - - - |
Mr. Bagley drew his fire arm - - |
- - Mr. Heath prepared to fire his pistol as well. |
Which man will meet his final fate?
Which man will walk away?
The suspense is killing me!
But before we get to what happened, let's look at something pleasant and happy, shall we? And maybe even learn something historical - - -
This is young mother Mrs. Suave with her
son Gabe and tiny daughter Emma.
You will notice that both of her offspring are
wearing dresses. Yes, including her son.
Interesting enough, boys wore dresses until
they were breached...that is, old enough to
use the necessary on their own. This practice
of boys wearing dresses actually went into
the early part of the 20th century. In fact, it
would have been rare and uncommon to see
such a young lad without one. |
Now...back to our story - - -
Oh! Such a sad state of affairs!
Our Mr. Bagley - dear Mr. Bagley - took a bullet to the chest.
Jacqueline was beside herself in grief... |
Oh! To think, only moments before, all was joy and happiness |
And now...oh...oh...oh...!!! |
Jillian's childhood friend, Carrie Kushnir, came upon the scene shortly after the body was removed - -
"...and then Mr. Bagley took off his gloves and slapped that Mr. Heath across his face and they went back to back and then took ten paces and then..." |
Such excitement for one day - - - -
You'll notice that Mrs. Kushnir is dressed in a sort of female Confederate uniform (though my wife certainly cannot believe any woman would wear pants!).
Carrie wears such garments to show pride in being a "Daughter of the Regiment:"
Women who chose to follow the Union
or Confederate armies into the field provided needed services for the soldiers.
Some held positions recognized by the army and were called Daughters of the Regiment or vivandiàres. Many patriotic women on both sides served as
vivandières, though exact numbers are unknown. The women in the camps worked as
cooks, laundresses, seamstresses, sutlers, and nurses. Often, but not always,
they were wives or daughters of soldiers.
Many daughters of the regiment wore
adapted military uniforms, as you see Mrs. Kushnir, pictured here with her husband.
Mrs. Kushnir proudly wore her vivandiare uniform and regaled us of her tales of camp life. Larissa had her concerns with Carrie being surrounded by all of the soldiers, but was assured that her husband was always near.
Yes...until battle.
I certainly hope Jillian doesn't get such notions in her head!
For our afternoon entertainment, Carrie read poetry while Jillian acted out the scenes, just as they did when they were children. |
Both girls were very expressive, whether reading or acting. |
Thank you ladies! I only wish I could remember the poem that was read and performed. |
One of the special things we as living historians enjoy doing is eating our afternoon meal - our dinner - in the period kitchen. I don't know about you, but when I visit a historic village such as Greenfield Village and I see the period-dress presenters eating their afternoon meal at the kitchen table, I always would get a little jealous. I would LOVE to be able to do that! And now...I can...and do! It's because we take such good care of this historic home that they continue to allow us to carry on in such a trusting manner.
We had summer vegetables and pulled pork for our meal. |
Yes, we did allow our servant, Candace, to eat with us. She's our friend and we like her! |
But make no mistake, when we have servants during our immersion events, they really do work. For Candace (and Carrie, when she portrays our servant),
this is not reenacting - it's reality! |
As mentioned earlier, throughout the day we had visitors, including the Carlson family. The Carlsons journeyed in all the way from Jackson by stage - quite the dusty ride on a summer's day.
They were staying at the Bristol Inn, right in town:

by William Bristol in 1848, this house was a stagecoach stop until 1869 when
the railroad put the stage out of business. |
On the left, we have another sister, Caroline, who took a bit of a, shall we say, sabbatical last year. We were so glad to have her return this year.
Sandy, in the center, had portrayed my younger sister a few years ago and fell right back into her role when she came by in the afternoon.
Now, do you have that straight? Caroline, Jacqueline, me, then Sandra.
The young lady on the right is another dear friend. |
You may not recognize the young lady on the right
but you've seen her before here on Passion for the Past.
However, when you saw her last, she was dressed
in colonial clothing.
Yep---that's Rae! |
Friends |
One of the best purchases I've made in the reenacting world, besides my clothing, is a hand-cranked ice cream maker. After years of watching the historical presenters at the 1880s Firestone Farm make ice cream every 4th of July - and wanting to taste some but, of course, not being allowed to - I found one and, naturally, bought it. Lucky for me, I was also able to procure a period recipe as well! So now it's become an annual afternoon activity to make ice cream while at the Charlton Park event.
It's summertime...and it's mighty hot.
Time to make ice cream!
Larissa and I prepared the Victorian treat by using ice we were able to get from
the local ice house, as well as salt, both items being poured inside the wooden
bucket in layers, surrounding the tin container known as the 'freezer.'
The freezer, of course, held the main ingredients to make the ice cream itself! |
Once the mixed dairy ingredients were placed inside the freezer, we all took our
turn to churn the ice cream. |
Jillian |
Larissa |
Watching Larissa work was a favorite past time.
Well, heck! She's the pro! |
Carrie |
Jackie |
Candace |
Even a Yankee soldier who happened by. |
The ice cream is ready to be enjoyed!
Yes, we put strawberries in for flavor. |
Yankee Jim that Mr. Bagley? Alive?? |
The Confederate daughter of the Regiment
& a Union soldier.
Oooo...the look. |
Now, just how the heck did I wind up in jail...with Mr. Bagley?
It's a lo-o-ong story....let's just say I took the bullet for my daughter. |
And that's our record of the 2017 Charlton Park event.
Since we
are blessed to get the Sixberry House every year, we try to come up with something new
and different, yet historical, to keep interest going for us as well as
for the annual visitors. But most important, we try to keep it true - - our conversations while sitting around the table are almost always period, even if there are no visitors to see or hear us. It's this sort of thing that makes this hobby more than just a hobby - it's this sort of thing that will keep the past
alive for all involved.
All while having fun.
And isn't that what it's all about?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
One more thing before we leave - -
I wrote the following on my Facebook page on July 20th at 7:41 pm:
Wow - - this may not mean much to
folks out there, but it certainly means a lot to me - -
just a couple minutes ago I reached 1,000,000 visits to my Passion for the
Past blog!
Pageviews today (so far)
Pageviews yesterday
Pageviews last month
Pageviews all time history
I caught it right as the number turned to one million!
What can I say but "thank you!"
Until next time, see you in time.
~ ~ ~