With a modern world gone mad, it is my place of contentment...my escape.
Some people like to take a long walk. Others might exercise. Some head to the beach. And many will drink.
But for me, it's spending time in the past.
In another world gone mad.
Go figure...
But it's a passion for us who participate in this hobby, isn't it, to do our ultimate best to recreate what has gone on before? And it is more of a challenge in our attempts to do it accurately.
We have, shall we say, a real passion for the past.
And I must say that my living history experiences seem to improve with each passing event. Of course they are improving---as I delve deeper into my historical research and gain a better understanding of those who came before, my involvement in this hobby continuously grows and glows.
It also helps that I've made some fine friends in the Rev War circle, and a few of my long-time Civil War reenacting pals are jumping across the 90 year gap to join me in the good ol' colony days, for their interest in US history goes beyond the four years that the north and south were fighting.
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At my tent site: My Paul Revere clothes for Saturday. |
You see, previously at Kensington I've set up a few things on a table 'neath the pavilion and basically just sat around speaking with whomever would come my way. But I set up camp, and I am glad I did. In fact, our little area was where the Americans - the Patriots - set up, and there were a few of us there in this meadow kind of setting. I was able to share my space with Dr. Benjamin Franklin, and my next door neighbors were the Diggs family. Across the way was a family I just met and I am ashamed to say I do not remember their names, but they, like the others who side with the Continentals, were very kind.(Yes, yes, the Loyalists are also very kind - - just giving a little ribbing here!).
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~The "American Meadow"~ That's my place with the flag |
Colonial Kensington always brings out a goodly amount of reenactors, and I believe the public was pleased to see all of the activity going on as well. In fact, a couple of the apparitions from the future mentioned to me that the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War was coming up on the horizon, and that was one of the reasons for coming out to this event.
Others mentioned the Hamilton play and the AMC TV series Turn: Washington's Spies.
Hmmm...methinks this era of reenacting is going to see an upswing over the next few years.
I hope so.
Anyhow, welcome to my camp:
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No thrills or chills...just the basics, doncha know... |
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Presenting the colonial times to the younger set. When you can grab their interest when they are still in their teenage years, and then they begin to ask questions, why, that's what it's all about. |
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One tool I did bring along was my gun. There will be meat on the table tonight! |
And right next to my set up was the Diggs Family camp.
They are the young family on the right:
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Sara Diggs prepares bread. She and her family were very kind to feed us during the weekend. |
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Sara & Nicholas's daughter, Olivia, is studying to be a pewterer. She actually is! She is working on a spoon in this photograph under the guidance of Jim Strode, master pewterer. |
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That's Mr. Strode on the left and minuteman Ken Roberts on the right. |
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Our neighbors across the meadow from us. I enjoyed speaking with them but I simply cannot remember their names! But it was our first meeting so I suppose I should be forgiven for that. |
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Jennifer, by the way, also reenacts the Civil War era. |
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Our friends from Fort Wayne, Indiana - the 13th Pennsylvania - joined our local regiment, the 1st Pennsylvania, for this weekend's events. It was great to have the guys along - - - |
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Marching and drilling was going on throughout the day... seems to me they may have been preparing for something to happen, which gave great concern to the locals... |
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The Massachusetts Provincial Battalion. |
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The 1st Pennsylvania rolling rounds. |
With the war at hand, farmers continued to grow food, artisans continued to practice their trades, and merchants attempted to maintain their businesses. Despite efforts to maintain business as usual, the entire social landscape was changed.
One of the nice things about Colonial Kensington is that it is loosely set up somewhat as a village, with homes (tents) and even a shopping/business district.
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Though a Patriot, Jackie, on her way to town to purchase only the necessities, stays clear of any trouble from the King's army and befriends all who comes her way. |
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David Schmidt: 18th century commercial fisherman, set up along the lane. |
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Samson's Historical, a sutler run by the young couple Casey and Abbie Samson. They carry men's clothing and period accessories to help the beginning 18th century reenactor get started. |
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Another sutlery business was Calico Jack. I believe this is mostly a resale shop, though the items are of very good quality. |
Then we have the Carrot Patch Farm:
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Susan Hanson and her mother spins and dyes wool, which then gets knitted or crochet into a myriad of reproduction historical items. |
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Mrs. Hanson, another member of Citizens of the American Colonies, has been commissioned by the King to be the official supplier of goods to the Queen's Rangers. Yes, she is a Loyalist. |
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The Ranger bonnet at the Carrot Patch Farm. |
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Mrs. Hanson also employs her cousin to help with the repair of any of the sewing needs of the King's soldiers. |
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The doctor is in...
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As a result of these reports, a detachment of the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment was sent out on patrol in search of the enemy party. |
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"Now, you have been wishing for some days past to come up with the British, you have been wanting to fight, now you shall have fighting enough before night." |
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"The men did not need much haranguing to raise their courage..." |
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"We were marching on as usual when we were ordered to halt...the general opinion of the soldiers was that some part of the enemy by some means got into our rear..." |
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"At every stroke their jackets did smoke as though they had been all on fire..." |
Britain responded with “desolation warfare.” British warships bombarded coastal towns; Falmouth, for one, was reduced to a smoking ruin. The redcoats looted indiscriminately, seizing crops and property of rebels and Loyalists alike; plunder was often accompanied by rape. Some British commanders instructed their men to take no prisoners; wounded and defeated American soldiers were killed on the field. When they were made prisoners, American soldiers suffered in conditions so terrible that mortality rates ran as high as 70 percent.
Wars are not merely fought on the battlefield. Even in the 18th century, successful campaigns were the hallmark of a concerted effort. By 1783, the entire American population seemed battle weary, from the foot soldier to the farmer's wife. Their sacrifices helped secure freedoms for the generations that would follow.
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~1st Pennsylvania~ Americans faced seemingly impossible obstacles. |
Since there was no one battle in particular reenacted at Kensington, I have included historical facts on some of the actual battles fought during the Revolutionary War, as I have done in previous postings.
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Once again, I was hoping for a you-are-there visual in this picture. |
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Members of the 1st Pennsylvania - - |
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Filing past rotting corpses... |
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Members of Simcoe's Queen's Rangers with a Royal Highlander. |
This was another excellent event, one that I am sure was pleasing to all involved, from participant to visitor. Participation was high and so was the amount of 21st century guests who came to see us, many of whom were part of the younger set, and they asked so many wonderful questions. And, while in my farm clothes, I was asked about farming in the Detroit area during the 18th century, which I've not been asked before.
It's good to see knowledge and curiosity of American history from so many.That gives me hope for our future past.
Yep...Colonial Kensington was a mighty fine event indeed!
~ ~ ~
But wait---there's more:
So...a photographer friend, Jerry Jordan, took a photo of me.
That one is on the left.
He then sort of roughed me up a bit in the picture on the right, giving me almost a pirate look...or maybe one who enjoys the tavern a bit too much!
Anyhow, they are pretty cool shots, so I thought I would present both of them here - - -
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Clean-shaven natural Ken |
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The touched-up pirate-y Ken |
Speaking of pictures - -
~ ~ ~
Ken's Thoughts Dept:

By the way, for folks who are interested, there are a number of pretty good Facebook pages where everyone from the newbie to the more senior reenactor can get information on nearly anything in the hobby as well as to share their knowledge or findings with others of the same interest and mindset:
18th Century Stop and Swap
Samson's Historical
Jas Townsend and Son
18th Century Closet
Ladies & Gentlemen of the American Colonies
18th Century Civilian Reenactors
Citizens of the American Colonies
And finally:
So, the day before Colonial Kensington I was up in Port Onieda, Michigan, west of Traverse City, doing four 1860s farming presentations with my friend and presenter partner Larissa. As it is quite a long drive, I didn't get back home until nearly 10:30 that night (after leaving at 5:00 am to get there), showered, played on the computer, then went to bed. I was up before 7:00 the next morning, on the road by 8 and arrived by 9 to set up my tent, put on my colonial clothes, and was ready for the visiting public by 10 am.Whew!
But what a time I had!
And my son gets the nap!
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It should be this old man sleeping...not my son! |
Until next time, see you in time.
~ ~ ~
Some of the information came from THIS, THIS and THIS site.
Other quotes came from Joseph Plumb Martin's A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier
The Spirit of Seventy-Six by Henry Steele Commager & Richard B. Morris
Many of the photos in this posting are from me, but there are a few by other photographers, notably Kerry Dennis, Lenore & Jerry Jordan, Richard Reaume, and Cheryl Crawford.
I thank you all for the use of your wonderful pictures.
Good Old Colony Days
Taverns and Travel
Cooking on the Hearth
Colonial Lighting
Fall Harvest
Independence Day Celebration
Buried Treasure: Stories of the Founding Generation
Shadow Portraits and Bourdaloues
The Wives of Paul Revere
Colonial Christmas
Colonial Clothing For Men
~ ~ ~