Days of Future Passed is the title of my favorite Moody Blues album, and the album title just says it all for me as a historian: Days of Future Past.
I've used this title numerous times for my posts on history.
But I think you'll agree it fits today's posting most of all.
I have written many postings on the long ago days here in Passion for the Past. Over 800! Dozens of these postings center on historic or simply old homes and buildings, while a few hundred posts focus on daily life inside those old homes and buildings.
A real passion, eh?
But, you do realize that one day the "now" we are living in will be "then" - that one day "today" will all be considered "the past," right?
Yeah, I know you do, but most of us never give it a thought because we're too busy living in the now, even when we reenact the past (if that makes sense). I wonder, though, who will be studying our daily lives? You can laugh and say that's a ridiculous statement and that who would ever want to research our time...and yet, I believe they will. I mean, young people today are researching the Vietnam era - the 1960s and early 1970s - and collecting Americana from that time. I've even been asked about what was it like to live "back then"! I've also been asked what was it like during America's Bicentennial celebrations of 1976, another pivotal moment in the more modern American history. So why wouldn't future historians be interested in us today - in collecting our time? It's interesting to think about - as long as they don't depend on the awful media to teach them of our time!.
So with that thought in mind, I figured it might be fun to write about "now" in a sort of way as if I were telling and showing "today" to the people of "tomorrow."
Get it? lol
There's a room in my father's house
Full of old heirlooms
Nonna's Bible, Papa's trunk
To a total stranger no more than junk
The closest ties I ever knew...
Until I met you...
. . . .
Hey, it's good to be back home again
Sometimes this old house feels like a long lost friend
Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
. . . .
Someday, when I'm dreaming
Wishing you weren't so far away
Then I will remember
Things we said today
(lyrics of the above songs may have been slightly modified):
top - "Until I Met You" by Judy Rodman
middle - "Back Home Again" by John Denver
bottom - "Things We Said Today" by The Beatles
A year in time.
Seasons in time.
How do you mark the passing of time?
Like our weather, the exact timing of when we ‘feel’ one season is over and a new one has begun will always be liable to change. I know this has happened to me - end of August and early September almost always feel like fall to me, even though technically fall doesn't usually - officially - begin until approximately September 22.
I personally enjoy the changing of the four seasons and take joy and pleasure in the coming of each.
So, that being said, have you ever thought about the house in which you live?
I ways most people probably do not.
A number of years ago I took on a project: for some reason I find it interesting to see the monthly - and sometimes even the weekly - changes that occur over time, so I decided to have a bit of fun and spent time photographing a couple of historic houses every month over the course of a year. This took place inside Greenfield Village where I "captured" the Firestone Farm and the Daggett House from the same angle through each of the four seasons, from January through December. And then I added historical information to those photos to give life to each house during any particular month. So now I thought I'd try it with my own home. I was built in 1944 - over 80 years ago - and I've been living there for well over 30 years now...eventually this old house will become historical, right?
I that time before my wife and I bought it and moved in, how was this house decorated? How "1940s" was it?
How "1950s" was it?
How about the 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s?
I know how it looked and was decorated since 1991, the year we moved in.
Do you see how I intertwine past and present?
That's the way my mind works. I mean, when I visit historic homes, which is quite often, I think of the time they were built and of the people who lived in them way back when - and in that way the so-called spirits within their walls can sort of speak to me. Oh, not actual ghosts per se, but through my research and having the knowledge of those who once lived there can sort of help to bring the houses back to life; I can seemingly hear the echoes of long ago conversations and envision daily life experiences; almost witnessing the house as it once was when it was young.
Almost like an energy...
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Think of the history they would tell... |
I suppose that's what research does to a person - gets us thinking in different ways, rather than cut n dry black n white; our minds are expanded to having a greater depth and understanding of those who lived in a time long ago, and it's then we realize that history is not at all black and white, but only shades of gray.
So, just imagine...those who once lived in these old historical houses we visit at Greenfield Village, Gettysburg, Colonial Williamsburg, Conner Prairie, or Old Sturbridge Village were living human beings and not just sketches or characters or black & white images in a book. They had feelings the same as we do: they felt happiness, sadness, anger, pain, concern, absolute joy, and contentment. They celebrated the coming of spring and of harvest time. They enjoyed church picnics and weddings, and certainly mourned when loved ones, whether friends or family, passed away. They spoke of their crops, of the weather, told stories, and studied the Bible. Just imagine the discussions and probably even debates they had of the news of the day - how interesting it would be to hear conversations and opinions in the 18th century Daggett home about the Bloody Massacre of Boston, the Revolutionary War, their thoughts on the Declaration of Independence, the forming of the new nation with its own Constitution, and hearing of George Washington becoming the first president of this new it was happening!
Just imagine...I mean, if the walls had ears, they most certainly would have heard at least some talk about these historic events.
And if walls could speak, imagine the tales they could tell.
I can only imagine…
Now, I look at my house in the same manner but only opposite: perhaps we're the spirits that will remain within the walls for others to feel.
Or even read about.
I do not live in a historic home, to begin with. It remains where it was originally built in 1944. I have family members (a sister & brother) who live in homes over a hundred years old, so my house is nowhere near ancient, though some of our interior décor can rival any home of 200+ years ago.
There's my street, circa 2003. Small changes in the 20 years since. I wonder what this street will look like in a hundred years...? |
No, my house is not historic or ancient. And no famous person ever lived here to make it worth saving for future generations. Nor do we live in any sort of historic district; it's just our own home where we raised our growing family. As far as I know, we're the third owners.
Patty and I were relatively young when we purchased it back in 1991. We had only one child with another on the way. In these 3+ decades since, we grew our family to a total of four children, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren (as of this writing, there is another grandchild on the way). And we're on our second dog.
This means for us there are over 30 years of wonderful memories within these walls.
So far.
And over 30 years of our conversations: often political, often religious, sometimes family business, work-related, jokes & laughter, favorite TV shows, reenactor gatherings and historical discussions, stereo/musical sounds played, visits with friends, holidays, movie nights, Simply Dickens rehearsals, enjoying being with our grandchildren, standing out front to watch 4th of July fireworks, food preparation and eating, and, yes, bible know, everyday life.
And we spoke of the current events as they happened: 9-11, NAFTA, the Oklahoma Bombing, the Space Shuttle Columbia, the Internet, the death of Princess Diana, cell phones, the various presidential elections, social issues, seven presidencies with lots of social controversies throughout, Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush (both father & son), Clinton, covid, robots on Mars...more recently the re-election of Donald Trump as our 47th President, 9-11, and we still speak on current events (and I taught my children that it is okay to disagree and still be friends with whom you disagree with).
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The great hall of the mid-18th century Daggett House. Imagine what those walls have heard! |
Lots of changes have occurred in these many years we've lived here, aside from my ever-growing family. During the period when my mother moved in with us, and she was truly a God-send, for she was there for our kids, she sometimes would take them to school, pick them up from school, cared for them after school, and then, on her own, she did laundry, cooked meals, and sometimes even went shopping. Oh! There was never a dirty dish in the sink! "What---you want me to sit here and do nothing until I die?" she would say to me when I told her not to worry about cleaning. My sister reminded me that mom was raised to be a mom - she was born in the 1920s, lived through the depression-era 1930s, through the horrible 2nd World War in the early 1940s, married soon after the war had ended, and had children of her own. Being a grandma didn't change things. She still had that urge to care for her family. And that's what she did.
Unfortunately, she took her last breath on January 18, 2017.
But she was such a joy to have here with us - my kids absolutely loved having grandma around!
And I miss having my mom with us, too.
We all do.
Another great loss was the death of my brother, Tom. It was his sudden and unexpected death on April 6, 2014 that hit so hard. And it was his death that brought my mother into such despair, sliding her into seemingly a dark abyss. As she had said, "You're not supposed to bury your own child."
And, yet, here she was...
Now, aside from those two sad occurrences, most times in this house were filled with happiness and joy. The holidays of Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas were always especially joyous occasions, and they still are!
And not unlike our forbearers, we also live by the least we do in my family.
Which marks the passing of time - - -
Not too unlike those from the 18th or 19th or even early 20th centuries, for we celebrate each season in our own special way, oftentimes more than most current people I know, as you shall see.
And I believe the spirits of the past will remain.
I enjoy the snow.
I really do.
Yes, even the shoveling, which gets my blood flowing.
And we've taken our kids sledding, as we now do with our grandkids.
We can sit and grumble about the cold weather and snow, or we can embrace and enjoy it.
I choose the latter.
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January 23, 2022 Do you see that birch tree in my front yard? My wife and I planted that sometime in the late 1990s. |
February 13, 2025
No, I don't live in the country - I live in Eastpointe, suburb of Detroit.
But we still get beautiful winter evenings here as well - -
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This was taken from my front porch looking across the street after a good snowfall the night before. Yep---that's my old 2002 Ford van parked there in front. |
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Another porch shot from the same evening as above, but looking southeast where we can see the lit houses of Lambrecht Street. |
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February 16, 2021 Now here is a typical metro-Detroit area snowfall! |
It's in this winter time that we enjoy having movie nights, where we turn off all the lights, have the DVD player and TV hooked up to the stereo, make popcorn, and enjoy watching a movie, sometimes even more than going to the show! Yeah, it's a far cry from what our ancestors used to do but, well, this is the 21st century, and since I do not live on a farm, this is how we entertain ourselves in the evenings.
Now we head into the month of March.
Now we head into April:
Those few with the biggest and loudest mouths can claim that July 4 should no longer be celebrated all they want, for on this day I see quite the opposite occurring, which warms my heart and keeps my patriotic spirit ever-so high. We live in a mixed neighborhood with black, white, and Latino neighbors, all enjoying and celebrating Independence Day together, and I'm loving it!
Yes, my house has seen many 4th of July celebrations - over 80 of them. And my patriotic spirit helps in the celebrations!
2021 was the year we finally said "enough of this heat" and got air-conditioning installed. The heat of the summers of late have been horrifically abrasive, and I can no longer handle the long stretches of hot hot hot with little means of cooling down. So we went into debt and had a/c installed.
At one time, New Year's Eve was on the evening of March 24, which was according to the Julian Calendar, and therefore, New Year's Day was March 25th. This practice lasted until the year 1752 when we switched to the Gregorian calendar and New Year's Day became January 1st.
Because spring is the season of things coming back to life after a long winter's nap, one can see how March could be the beginning of the New Year, as it once was. (September comes from the Latin word "seven" and October is "eight" - for in the Roman calendar):
Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December. The last six names were taken from the words for five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Romulus, the legendary first ruler of Rome, is supposed to have introduced this calendar in the 700s B.C.
January and February were the 11th and 12th months.
Those seasons are:
Spring: March 1 to May 31
Summer: June 1 to August 31
Autumn: September 1 to November 30
Winter: December 1 to February 28 (or February 29 during a leap year)
To be honest, this is (mostly) the way I think of our seasons, though I have to admit I do get excited on the equinoxes and solstices (when the season are "official").
Just thought some might be interested in this bit of a fun information~
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March 25, 2024 We dig the snow and the rain and the bright sunshine... remnants of winter's snow upon the ground... |
In those long ago days, instead of playing, such as I am, on the ancient equivalent of a computer, and rather than writing a blog post, perhaps I would, instead, be writing for a newspaper or even writing a book. Maybe even setting the type for a printing press.
Then again, I may not be writing at all, for if I were a farmer, I would have too many other chores to take care of this early spring day. Or, if we went back far enough, I could be celebrating New Year's Day.
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March 30, 2022 As the daily temperature slowly ekes up the gage, the muddy and dirty leftovers of winter can plainly be seen. |
Now we head into April:
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April 4, 2021 Spring has sprung, and we can see the green getting greener. |
Growing up and even as an adult, the first signs of sunny warm weather and my mom would get into a shopping mood. Years later, when I was married, my wife would say and do the very same. As a kid, I would be getting excited about the baseball season, but as an adult I would begin to think and prepare for the cottage season (my family had a cottage). As an even older adult my thoughts head in the direction of reenacting and the annual opening of Greenfield Village (which closes completely by the end of December).
Because my family celebrates the Holiday on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I am sometimes able to visit Greenfield Village on Easter Sunday itself, as I did in 2019 and again in 2022, for Easter was early enough those two years for the Village to be open for the season.
But in 2023:
Family gatherings, to me, are what makes a house a home.
Later April and into May my wife gets downright giddy at the opportunity to plan and plant her garden in both the front and back yard. Usually the front yard sees flowers while the back yard will have flowers as well as vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes.
Arbor Day, a day I remember celebrating in school way back when, is a secular day of observance in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees. The first American Arbor Day occurred back in 1872, and was first celebrated in Michigan in 1885. In 1966, Michigan Governor George Romney proclaimed the last week in April as Arbor Week and the last Friday in April as Arbor Day, helping to recognize the importance of trees to the environment and how much their beauty enriches our lives. Today, many countries observe such a holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season. Here in the US most states generally celebrate Arbor Day every year on the last Friday in April.
Time for the merry, merry month of May!
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My Magnolia tree I planted in our backyard in 2021. Spring is right here - May 1st, 2022. |
I enjoy flying my historic flags in decent weather. Every-so-often someone will stop and ask a question or two and I am very happy to oblige by giving a short history lesson.
Along comes the month of June - - school will soon be out for the summer! It's summertime USA!
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4th of July 2021 My décor is proudly waving, and I'm all set and ready for the fireworks celebrations to commence! |
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July 4, 2021 My camera does a pretty darn good job in catching the Spirit of '76! |
I began collecting replicated historic flags nearly two decades ago when I purchased one of the 1860s - Civil War era, and I have been purchasing them ever since. I fly them at my house frequently, which garners great conversations from passersby, and I especially love to fly them at our historical reenactments, which also is a great teaching opportunity.
The replicated sewn cotton historic flags seen in this picture, besides my bunting, are:
the white Minutemen flag from Culpeper, Virginia from 1775
the Grand Union Flag from 1775 (both hanging off the porch)
the orange 1775 Gadsden flag that I am holding
the Liberty & Union flag that Robert has, also from 1775
and Miles is holding the Betsy Ross flag from 1776.
And we have a few mini-modern American flags in the front garden.
I was also proud that most of my family could be there for this: my wife Patty, most of our kids (Robbie, Miles, and Rosalia - - except for Tommy, who had to work), our daughter-in-law, Samm, and our three grandkids, Ben, Addy, and Liam.
This really means a lot to me and to us. I’ve raised my kids to be patriotic and to be proud of their country – past and present - and if they disagree with something, they also know how to protest and work to make changes, and, most importantly, accept it if those changes cannot be made.
I must say I appreciate other friends, such as Tom Bertrand and Bernie Dobrzykowski, who also collect historic flags. And I have many friends, notably Beth & Kevin as well as Lynn Kalil, who also display their patriotism and American pride, many times in fun ways.
Thank you, SAR, from the Giorlando Family.
(And, no, you don’t have to display the red, white, and blue to be patriotic. This is just the way I prefer to do it for myself)
Late summer...
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July 30, 2021 The heat of summer is now upon us. Items in our garage are set upon wood pallets to keep safe from water leakage, so if we see any available, we grab 'em. |
I'm not sorry I did.
...October 31st:
We don't get as many trick or treaters as we used to. I hope that changes. I enjoy seeing all of the kiddies all dressed up in their costumes and the smiles upon their faces when we give them their treats.
August is a hot, lazy time. Patty begins to pick the cucumbers and tomatoes and whatever else we have growing in the back yard. For a few years in the mid-teens (2012 to about 2016) we, along with our eldest son, really made a very cool garden with raised beds and everything:
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The idea of raised beds came from the historic Daggett House. |
And just look at the yield in mid-August:
And due to summer harvests such as this - as small as they may be to you country folk - August is usually the month when I begin to mentally get prepared and excited for fall, for that is my favorite season of the year, as you shall soon see.
Wow! We are already in September!
If my yard was big enough, I'd have a few apple trees planted. Heirloom apple trees.
As I mentioned earlier, fall is my favorite time of year and pretty much always has been. I remember those days of my youth when I would get excited in those first few days and weeks following Labor Day Weekend when we'd begin to get a nip in the nighttime air and my mom would light the candles. My dad would start a fire in our fireplace, depending on how strong the nip was.
Cozy and traditional and old-timey - I loved it even at such a young age.
And I still carry on this tradition: once autumn hits, with the sun setting earlier and earlier and the thermometer showing less and less red, our homemade hand-dipped pure beeswax candles, which have sat curing for up to a year, are lit, giving us that fall feeling I've felt my entire life. In fact, my son Miles always gets excited when I do light them come September, just like my mom did. I love that we are carrying on her tradition! I only wish we had a fireplace...
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Lit candles and a fresh homemade apple pie!! The look and smell of autumn~ |
By the way, note the changes in the leaves of our front yard birch tree from this point out.
Also, there is a newer tradition of my own I do to help welcome and celebrate the fall:
And here you see my front porch:
The most beautiful month of autumn is upon us now: October.
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October 5, 2022 No season of the year - no month, in fact - shows the changes as does autumn and October, as you shall see. Even in the city. |
Have you been keeping an eye on our birch tree?
I wouldn't mind another tree with a bit more color to the leaves...oh wait:
Every year for nearly a decade I've had candle-dipping days in my backyard - a tradition going back hundreds of years for our ancestors. Sometimes a dozen people may come over to help, while other times it may be just me with perhaps one or two others. But I've had more than one tell me they look forward to this fall activity at my house.
My favorite "Autumn Carol" is "Autumn Leaves" as sung by the great Nat King Cole.
I've also come to really enjoy the original version of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," which is more of an Autumn tale than a Hallowe'en tale.
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October 27, 2022 The activities really take off this time of year! Here in southeastern Michigan, by late October, the most colorful of leaves lay in the grass, dirt, gutter, or street...dead. Perfect for... |
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~Hallowe'en Night 2022~ Tonight is the night when dead leaves fly Like witches on switches across the sky, When elf and sprite flit through the night On a moony sheen. Tonight is the night when leaves make a sound Like a gnome in his home under the ground, When spooks and trolls creep out of holes Mossy and green. Tonight is the night when pumpkins stare Through sheaves and leaves everywhere, When ghoul and ghost and goblin host Dance round their queen. It's Hallowe'en! (by Harry Behn) |
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Incorporating Hallowe'en and Fall - - |
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I like how it all pulls fall together. |
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Kind of eerie, almost like being out in the country... |
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Still eerie, even with the porch light on. |
And then once Hallowe'en is over and November begins, a noticeable change is in the air. The smell of fallen leaves wafts throughout, and it's as if the trees all dropped their leaves at once.
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November 11, 2022 If I were a farmer, this would be the month to harvest my root vegetables. Instead, it's the month we prepare for Thanksgiving, which is actually an "official" harvest celebration. But the nip in the air sure does feel good to me. As you can see, it's November 11th and my autumn porch decorations are still up. |
The sounds of the old world Christmas carols carry from our back room through every room on our main floor. The old carols like The Boar's Head Carol, The Gloucestershire Wassail, All You That Are Good Fellows, Deck The Hall, and so many others from a period long, long ago.
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If it's November, Simply Dickens must be over for rehearsals. Now let us sing...! |
And before you know it, it is Thanksgiving!
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~Thanksgiving~ Our Thanksgiving meals are always eaten by candle light. Since Patty & I have been married, I don't believe we've have ever eaten our Thanksgiving dinner or our Christmas dinner by anything other than candlelight. And we enjoy roast turkey, various stuffings, rutabaga, mashed potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, sometimes asparagus, beets, cranberry sauce, and then apple pie and/or pumpkin pie as well as our family tradition of cannoli. Let's not forget the wassail to drink! |
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November 28, 2021 November comes and November goes With the last red berries and the first white snows... It does snow in November here in Michigan quite often. One year not long ago we had such a November snowstorm that they called off school! |
We now enter the final month of the year - December!
Leaves are pretty much all off the trees by now, and the weather is almost always below freezing.
We are into the darkest month of the year. where daytime hours are less than nighttime hours.
By now our Christmas Tree is up and decorated. We travel as a family north to the tree farm to cut it down ourselves, then bring it home to decorate.
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December 7, 2021 It's the Christmas Season~ It's been years since I've decorated the outside of my house for Christmas. I always say, "Maybe next year," and when next year comes, I usually get lazy and say, "Maybe next year..." However, we do a fine and fun job festively decorating the inside of our home, with garland and lights strung along the ceiling in our living room, and a real Christmas Tree, which we cut down ourselves, set up in our back room. |
Of late, our Christmas celebrations mostly take place on Christmas Eve, which begins with a breakfast at a restaurant. Everyone begins showing up at our house usually sometime in the mid-to-late afternoon and then, as the sun goes down, candles are lit and we eat that fine meal, which is pretty much the same as our Thanksgiving meal - SO good!.
Then the grandkids can open their gifts from us.
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Christmas Eve 2022 My wife and I with our four grandchildren (and one more on the way as of this writing in April 2023!). Yes, our tree is candle lit - real candles on a real tree in this photo and in the one above it. That's Christmas for my family, for, once again, this is something Patty and I have been doing all the Christmas's of our marriage - and that's a long time! |
We usually light the candles on the tree as an extra bonus.
And sometimes, after everyone leaves, we may watch a Christmas movie such as A Christmas Carol or Joyeaux Noel.
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Christmas Day in the Morning 2022 It's always wonderful to get a snowfall on Christmas Eve, so upon a-wakening on Christmas morn, this is what we sometimes get! Oh, I know it wasn't a lot of snow, but beggars can't be choosers, right? We have snow on Christmas! |
I'm the one that usually gets up first - even when all of our kids and my mom lived here. And I still do it to this day! So I get the music going - period/old world Christmas music - light the candles if it is a dark and dingy, gray morning, thick with clouds, then the gifts are opened between me, Patty, and Miles, still one gift at a time. Breakfast, and then, since our big Christmas celebration takes place on Christmas Eve, our dinner preparations for Christmas Day is usually warming up the leftovers (which still tastes just as good).
Sometimes friends may come by, sometimes Robbie &/or Rosalia may come by, but all in all it is a bit quieter. Perhaps we'll watch a Christmas show on TV.
That's our Christmas Day!
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Christmas 2022 As I mentioned, I may not decorate outside, but I believe what I do inside more than makes up for it. We added the back room onto our home in 1999 and it has served us very well indeed. And, look! Our first Christmas with our new Harvest Table! And did you notice the candles lit on the tree? Yep---we are traditional~ |
So, as it goes, it was over a decade ago when I began photographing the 1880s Firestone Farm from roughly the same location and angle every month for a full year. I thought it would be interesting to see the seasonal changes (click HERE). I don't know why I would do such a thing - I just happen to like seeing changes that occur over a year's time.
Then more recently I did it again with the 1760s Daggett House (click HERE). And I'm sorta doing the same with the Ford House now...I say "sorta" because I'm not making a conscious effort - I'm just doing it.
Well, this week's post reflects this same mindset, but not of a historic home mentioned, but of a more current house - one of which is still lived in - - my house. With this post, my home's walls are talking...
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Christmas Dinner~ If the 1760s Daggett family had a means to photograph their family back in their time - or had a family painting done in their own home - I'm sure they would have. Here you see my wife and I, along with our four kids, our daughter-in-law, and five grandkids. All of our kids were raised in this house and now our grandkids come and visit their Nonna & Papa in that same house. And we all celebrate holidays here, too. That means something to me. |
This was just a basic simple overview of a typical year at my house with my family and me. I must admit I didn't fully realize how much living by the seasons we do in my family! But our house is a lively home filled with activity and love...and much happiness & laughter. I often - quite often, in fact - have people tell me "You do such cool things! I wish we would do things like you do!" And my response is, "Why aren't you then? Just do it!"
As silly as it sounds---think about it---each day adds more history to our homes - there are so many wonderful memories here in my own home, just like the Daggetts and Firestones and Fords and all those whose homes now sit inside Greenfield Village and other historic areas must have had. And just like those historic homes there in those amazing places of history (I'm also looking at you Williamsburg, Gettysburg, and other places with historical structures) I believe the walls in my own home will one day talk as well.
Someday we'll remember things we said today...
Until next time, see you in time.
To read how I turned a portion of my home into an 18th century home, click HERE
I can't afford a historic home, so this was the next best thing!
To read about the monthly activities of the 18th century Daggett family, click HERE
How an actual 18th century farm family lived, including notations from his own ledger and loaded with seasonal photos.
To see the monthly seasonal photos of the 19th century Firestone Farm, please click HERE
Much like the Daggett House post.
To read about the original locations of the historic homes now in Greenfield Village, please click HERE
A few of us ventured out to find where these transplanted historic buildings originally stood.
Living by the Four Seasons on a Colonial Farm, please click HERE
A few living history friends and I make the grand attempt - somewhat successfully - in spending a day in the 1770s at the Frontier Cabin - here are the links for this exercise in history:
To read about our 2023 winter excursion at the cabin, please click HERE
Daily life on a typical 18th century farm.
To read about kitchens from the 18th century through to our modern times (which includes our kitchen) and the women that ran them - my own ancestors - click HERE
To read about our 2020 autumn excursion at the cabin, click HERE
To read about our 2021 wintertime excursion at the cabin, click HERE
To read about our 2021 springtime excursion at the cabin, click HERETo read about our 2021 summertime excursion at the cabin, click HERE
To read about our 2021 summer harvesting of the flax at the cabin, click HERE
To read about our 2021 autumn excursion making candles at the cabin, click HERE
To read about our 2022 winter excursion at the cabin, please click HERE
To read about our 2022 spring excursion at the cabin, please click HERE
To read about our 2022 summer excursion at the cabin, please click HERE
To read about our 2022 autumn excursion at the cabin (Pioneer Day), please click HERE
To read about our 2023 spring excursion at the cabin - (planting, etc), please click HERE
To read about our 2023 late spring at the cabin - (more planting), click HERE
To read about the 2023 early summer (gardening/weeding) at the cabin, please click HERE
To read about the 2023 mid-summer (gardening and celebrating Lammas Day), please click HERE
To read about the 2023 autumn Pioneer Day (processing flax and spinning), please click HERE
To read about our 2023 Thanksgiving harvest celebration in early November, please click HERE
To read about our 2024 Winter experience at the cabin (the shaving horse), please click HERE
To read about our 2024 spring excursion at the cabin (planting), please click HERE
To read about our 2024 late spring (more planting with just Patty & I), click HERE
To read about our 2024 summer (gardening, Lammas Day celebration), please click HERE
To read about our 2024 (two separate mid-and-late-summer garden visits), please click HERE
To read about our 2024 mid-September (kitchen-garden harvest with soldiers), click HERE
To read about our 2024 autumn Pioneer Day Celebration please click HERE
To read about our 2024 Thanksgiving Harvest homemade cider the colonial way, please click HERE
To read about our 2024 Christmas at the Farm/Cabin presentation, please click HERE
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