Friday, March 21, 2025

Kalamazoo Living History Show 2025: A Photo Collection

The Kalamazoo Living History Show is more than a gathering of vendors selling their wares to reenactors - - it's an event!  A special annual event!  It is a gathering of the tribes,  so to speak.  It is a connection to others of the same ilk.  We who do iving history look forward to it all year long.
Oh,  absolutely!
If you didn't or couldn't go,  here's a load of photos showing what you missed - - - 

                                                                                                                         Blame John Adams.
                                                                                                                           It's his  fault!
A scene from the John Adams HBO series it's not exactly his fault...rather,  it is his HBO mini-series'  fault.
More than anything  (or anyone)  else,  the HBO mini-series for John Adams  (first broadcoast in 2008)  renewed my love and passion and interest in America's colonial and early Republic period.  Before seeing this series,  the love I had for that time seemed to lay dormant for quite a while....just under the surface...since the time of the Bicentennial celebrations of 1976.  
But it was there.
When I looked to get into Revolutionary War reenacting,  in the mid-to-late 1990s and early 2000s,  I was,  more or less,  snubbed.  Seriously.  18th century reenacting folks actually talked me out of it.  However,  when I spoke to Civil War reenactors,  they welcomed me  (and my family)  with open arms.  So guess what I did?  Yup---I became a Civil War reenactor.  And I loved it---I learned so much about living history,  reenacting...and how to bring the past to life.
But America's colonial/Revolutionary War period continued to tug at me.  Then a friend mentioned the John Adams mini-series,  and so,  without even seeing it,  I ordered the DVD off of Amazon,  for it was something I simply knew I would like.  
Oh,  I didn't just like it - I surely loved  it!
One watch was all it took - - all of my passions for that period came flooding back.
I loved the history it showed,  the clothing...just all of it.
It soon became my all-time favorite historical film - - - - 
And it didn't take long for me to realize that was the era I wanted to  "visit."
So,  it was in 2014 that I finally got my colonial feet wet.
Then I soon after dove in head first.
And,  now?  Well,  if you've been reading this Passion for the Past blog since then,  there's not a question where my living history heart has firmly been placed.
Besides the usual questions reenactors frequently get asked:
"Is that a real fire?"
"Are you really going to eat that?"
"Aren't you hot in those clothes?"
there is another question I do get asked quite frequently:
"Where do you get your  'old-time'  clothing  (or,  ahem,  costumes)  and stuff from?"
Yep...that one certainly is brought up often. 
Why,  many of us living historians/reenactors in the southern half of Michigan's lower penninsula head out to the Kalamazoo Living History Show every March to get most of the items we need  (not costumes,  but period clothing),  including historic accessories.
So here is where I got my first set of 18th century clothing back in 2014---
Yep---right here!
I still  purchase many clothing items here!
From where I live just north of Detroit,  it's almost a three hour drive to the city of Kalamazoo.  Just imagine...nearly 300 of the finest artisans and vendors of pre-1890 clothing,  supplies,  and related accessories and crafts from throughout the United States and Canada come together to sell their wares to those who practice the art of living history.  Most of the items found at this exposition are from around the French & Indian War era  (1754 - 1763)  up through the time of the Civil War period  (1861 - 1865)  and everything in between,  including Native American,  Revolutionary War,  Regency,  and frontier/western,  and all of this takes place inside three very large reception halls/rooms.
Here is how it went this year of 2025~
With so many vendors,  I certainly did not take a picture of each.  I do try to show the variety of sellers who had tables,  but still...the following only gives a hint of  what was inside the three halls at the Kalamazoo Expo Center: 
Sage Trading had a very interesting look.

Axes and axe handles.

One seller had corn meal!

See that shovel there?
I almost bought it,  but,  sadly,  this vendor did not accept debit cards, 
If he did,  the shovel  (and maybe even the broom)  would have been mine.
This is a rare exception,  for most vendors accept cards.

Some vendors had quite a variety of items - almost like an old-time
early American general store!

Need a musket?
Various sellers had plenty on hand for sale.

Monmouth knit caps

Well-known local seamstress,  Pam Yockey,  was also a vendor.

Calf hides and deer hides...

Tinsmiths were selling their wares.

Gotta have the booksellers,  as you see the Todish's,  and most of the
books being sold were deeply marked down.

A good number of the attendees will dress in their period clothing when they come, 
such as JR Schroeder in his 1812  military gear.

And here is my good friend,  Susan,  and her business - Carrot Patch Farm.
Susan is in the wool business:  she spins,  dyes,  and knits...then sells.

Casey Samson and his wife,  Abbie,  own and operate Samson Historical,  "a colonial outfitter and living-history supply business."   This is where we in the cabin crew get most of our work clothes.  Though some in our group can and do sew,  Samson's sells colonial-era work clothing that allows us to look pretty darn historically accurate---meaning,  we're not afraid of getting our period clothing dirty.
Most of our clothing you see us wearing here came from Samson's Historical.
And,  yes,  we're not afraid to actually work and sweat in them.
We'll be back to spring cleaning and planting before you know it!

My wife Patty came along for the first time in years,  and the first thing she decided to get was a new pair of colonial-period shoes.  Abbie Samson of Samson's Historical was most gracious in helping her to find a decent pair that she can wear while working in the garden at the cabin.
My favorite historical clothiers~
If you don't sew your own,  this is the place to go,
in my humble opinion,  for Abbie researches
everything she sells.
Pattylou got a new pair of shoes!
"Unveiling the past with passion,  Samson Historical is a trusted source for authentic 18th-century expertise.  From meticulously researched and crafted period clothing to artisan-made products from all over the world,  we deliver to you the rich history of the 18th century and Regency era."
Here I am with my good friend,  Jennifer.
The reason that I posted this photo is to show you my new waistcoat that I purchased from Samson's Historical.

The Salty Lantern also has a variety of 18th century items,  including beds and...
Bob,  the builder  of my shaving horse  (see what I did there? lol),  built another to sell at his vendor's area.
Bob Stark  (aka Ben Franklin)  is a woodworker and builds the many wooden items he uses in his camp,  including single beds and bunk beds.

My favorite stop for 18th century accessories:
Jas.  Townsend is my favorite place to go for lanterns
and straight-last shoes!
"The educational YouTube channel  "Townsends"  is created and hosted by Jon Townsend,  who also runs the business,  which sells items related to the 18th century and American Revolutionary War."
Here I am with the owner and operator of Townsends,  Jon Townsend 
Townsends has such a large collection of accessories.  Between Townsends and Samson's,  pert-near everything one may need to time-travel is available.  Both companies will work with you as well.

The living historian  (and actress)  who portrays the Irish indentured servant Maggie Delaney  (actress Carol Jarboe)  was also at the Kalamazoo expo.  She tells of the hardships of indentured servitude.  I have her DVD where she speaks,  for nearly an hour,  in a thick Irish brogue,  giving the viewer her story,  sometimes being a bit whimsical and other times bringing us to tears of sadness.
Maggie Delaney's DVD is also available at Townsend's.

A number of folk were actively showing their handi-crafts.  I happily worked Bob Stark's shaving horse,  but I only did that for a few minutes,  for I wanted to make it through each large room to see all the vendors.  I did get to see most,  but not all.
Anyhow,  here are a couple images of folks there who did demonstrations~
I commissioned Bob  (proprietor of The Salty Lantern)  to build me a shaving horse last year,  which he did. 
 So when he saw me a-coming up the way,  he asked me to demonstrate.
Of course,  I was very happy to oblige.

Some demonstrated the large walking wheel,  popular during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Hide scraping - tanning was also demonstrated.
There were gunsmiths there who were making muskets,  beginning with wood blocks and showing the steps to the finished product,  but that was so crowded that during the time I was in the same room as them it was almost impossible to get any kind of a decent picture,  for they drew large crowds.

Various folk set up tables to advertise their reenacting units:
Dalton was there,  representing  (as the sign says)  the 49th Regiment of Foote.
I appreciate the 49th greatly for they have supported me at my Patriot's Day - Battle of Lexington & Concord as Redcoats.  They also support the 4th of July celebrations I head up as well.
In return,  I try to support them for their Taylor Colonial Days event in June.

Ah---the gleesome threesome!
Tony,  on the right,  heads up the 1st Pennsylvania Continental group.
The 1st Pennsylvania has also supported my Patriot's Day event by coming
out as militia.
I try to support any of their endeavors as well.

One of my favorite streaming channels dedicated to history is called History Fix.
Yes,  those who run the channel were also there!
Quite an event,  this Kalamazoo Living History Show!

Scott Mann,  on the left in this picture,  heads up the
Queen's Rangers - 1st American Regiment - Highland Company
The Queen's Rangers host the
Vermilion Creek Colonial Gathering event every fall.

The Kalamazoo Living History Show is also a reunion of sorts.  Given that I reenact multiple time periods,  my reenacting friendships have grown tremendously - I knew so many people there!
A few folks hanging around the 1st Pennsylvania table:
Dave,  Tom,  EJ,  and Tony.
(A Jennifer Monarch picture)

EJ - - - strike a pose!
I've known this young man since he was around 9 or 10 years old.
He's 19 now - - - - 

Here we have Brent Kemmer and his missus from the 
Brent hosts the wonderfully large Frankenmuth event every July.
French & Indian War,  Revolutionary War, Natives,  Voyageurs,  
and Frontiersmen all participate.

Daughter Abby with her father,  Bob.
Not only do the two of them run  "The Salty Lantern,"  but Bob portrays Benjamin Franklin,  and Abby portrays Abigail Adams on the 4th of July.  She also does presentations on the Boston Tea Party and the speaks of the kinds of tea that was dumped in the Boston Harbor.

Natives were there.
I was told their tribal name but cannot remember it - I believe they are from New York.
I know many,  if not most,  of the Michigan tribles,  but their tribe is not,  ahem,  native  to Michigan.

And I took a snap of this Regency  (early 19th century)  couple.

As is our tradition,  the few of us that took the trip to Kalamazoo together - myself,  my wife Patty,  Charlotte,  and Norm - went out to eat on our way back home.
This year our restaurant of choice was the Battle Creek Big Boy:
Since Patty was not  "dressed"  she took the picture.
Our waitress was a former reenactor,  so she didn't ask us all kinds of  "Why are you dressed like that"  questions.  But there were other employees and patrons who certainly had curious looks about them!
As we moved toward our vehicle,  Big Boy himself was waiting for us, 
so we stopped to allow him to be in this picture.
By the way,  we did wish Norm a happy birthday! 

And there it was:  the Kalamazoo Living History Show came and went like Christmas morning---way too fast!  But such a great time!  Yes,  I am alsready looking forward to next year!
By the way,  I had numerous folks comment to me how much they enjoy this Passion for the Past blog!
Wow - that really touches the heart!
Thank you.
Truly - - 
thank you.
(Blame John Adams indeed!)~

Until next time,  see you in time.


Friday, March 14, 2025

Eastpointe Military Museum's Time Line Event

Why war,  to begin with?
Why must so much of our history center around wars?
Wars are usually major events,  and it's through events that we can pinpoint an era in time:
"Glenn Miller & Big Band music was popular during the World War Two era."
"The ladies wore their hoop skirts during the Civil War."
"Hippies had long hair and colorful clothes during Vietnam."
Yet,  we have  "The Jazz Age"  and  "The Prohibition Era"  when talking about the 1920s,  and when someone mentions  "The Great Depression,"   our minds automatically think of the 1930s.  You see - it's not the glorification of war,  but it is an association of a well-known event.  For the Titanic you may think of the Edwardian period  (named for King Edward VII of England).  I don't know about you,  but when I think of steamboats,  my mind tends to travel back to the 1840s and 1850s.
We have been taught that the names and dates of politicians and wars and the like is what the past is all about.  I've been bucking that system since I was in elementary school and,  as much as I wanted to love my history lessons,  I,  instead,  would have a glazed look in my eyes and a wandering mind as the teacher(s)  droned on.  Thankfully,  teaching history today has taken a different turn.  Yes,  the wars,  the politicians,  and names & dates are still taught,  as they should be,  but let's not forget the regular citizens.  
And non-war events.


There are stories - histories - to be told.  And at living historical timelines one can hear such stories.
I've done quite a few of these type of events over the years.  And very little can show an expansive history like a historical time line.  In fact,  I wish there were more of them.  It's just trying to get folks from the different eras to participate.  It can be like pulling teeth to get some to come out.
So much little time...
I saw this picture at Hobby Lobby,  of all places,  so I picked it up for my son,  Robbie,  as a Christmas gift a few years back.
It is actually a pretty cool picture.

Eastpointe 2020
A time line of military soldiers - almost like the print directly above it come to life!
From left we have:
Revolutionary War
War of 1812
Mexican-American War
Civil War
Spanish-American War
WWI - The Great War
and the last three are WWII

I've been involved in a number of timelines over the years.  My first one was in 2008 in Dearborn,  Michigan when they held an annual summer festival,  and they had a timeline of reenactors over at one end of the park.  Of course,  for the presentation,  they wanted military men. 
I captured this image at the Dearborn Festival in 2009.  In this one picture we see French & Indian War,  World War One,  World War Two,  War of 1812,  and Civil War.

A few years later,  on 2015,  my friend,  Lynn Anderson,  hosted the wonderful  "Michigan History Told Through Fashion:"   Quite a few of us were a part of this unique event,  teaching Michigan history through the clothing worn.
She included civilians amongst the military.  I took a ton of photos,  but for the picture below I did a military timeline picture.
2015 - I purposely gathered at least one military soldier from each period for this shot.
Representing America's finest from WWII  (the two men on the left),  then to the World War I soldier.  Next to him is my son,  Robbie,  representing the Yankee Civil War solder.  And to his left is War of 1812,  then on the right we have the Revolutionary War. 
I thought it looked terrific seeing nearly two centuries of military,  just hanging out and talking.
I wish I would have lined up a few of the civilians in the same manner...
As I said,  Lynn Anderson put together this amazing timeline that centered on fashions through time.  Now,  when one thinks of fashion shows,  we usually think about those pouty women who walk down a runway wearing the most garish clothing anyone could imagine.  But not when you see a historical period fashion show  (click HERE). is a group picture of all who participated.
I see 1920s,  1860s,  1770s,  1850s,  1910s - - - - 
Quite a group,  eh?
So...where's Waldo?

Sadly,  there was no timeline group line up photo for the Port Sanilac event over Memorial Day Weekend of 2021.  It was pretty large - there were a decent amount of participants involved.
I do have this shot,  however:
Port Sanilac 2021
So here's a snap of a few of us early Americans...

In mid-July,  2021,  my son Robbie and I and a host of others took part in a timeline fashion show,  hosted by Noelle and Katherine,  to help raise money for the Governor Warner Mansion in Farmington,  Michigan.
July 2021 - Farmington  (Lynn Anderson pic)
You are seeing the later 18th century and the Regency fashion in this photo.

Chesterfield has a wonderful timeline every year.  Unfortunately,  an awful lot of living historians from various periods in time choose to stay home rather than take part.
Come on, everyone - for these events to be successful,  we need you to take part!
Chesterfield 2022
Revolutionary War era,  Spanish-American War,  Civil War,  and WWI.
I really believe Chesterfield can be the place for an awesome timeline event.
There's lots of room to grow.
Takes place mid-June every year  (June 14 & 15 this year of 2025).

A wonderful one-time only event  called  "An Interactive Journey Throughout American History,"  hosted by Makenzie Jacobs,  took place in July of 2023 in Monroe,  Michigan.
Oh,  how I wish this continued!
Here are the participants of the Carleton Library / An Interactive Journey Throughout American History timeline event.
One thing I need to start doing is to gather participants in historical/time order for these photos.  

Now,  the Night at the Museum events at the Plymouth Historical Museum isn't necessarily a time line.  It's more of a travel through time history lesson for kids celebrating their birthday - quite a party,  eh?
2024 Plymouth Historical Museum
This is where a few of us get together as a famous person in history and present for about five minutes to pre-teens and young teens.  In this picture,  from left,  we have Paul Revere,   an 1860s woman in a bathing costume  (as they were known then),  Franklin D.  Roosevelt,  Typhoid Mary,  and Thomas Edison.
OH!  Something like this would have been at the top of my birthday list when I was young!

Okay,  you just seen a few timelines past  (see what I did there?),  now here are a few photos from the most current one I took part in very recently in my hometown of Eastpointe at the local military museum.
Of course,  I was there as Paul Revere,  speaking of my ride on the night of April 18 in 1775,  and of the events that followed.  Also,  I spoke of the events leading up to Lexington & Concord.
I did my best to make my little section look RevWar era with a few of my flags,  which the vistors I received were quite interested in.
Here I am with my display.
The flags behind me  (from left):
Grand Union Flag from 1775
Betsy Ross Flag from 1776
The Taunton Flag  (Liberty & Union)  from 1774
And in front we have the Gadsden Flag from late 1775

Teas of the Boston Tea Party in a neat little display.
A taste of  (or a drink of)  history,  indeed!
Imagine the opportunity to drink the kinds of tea that was dumped into
Boston Harbor back in December 1773.
Tasting history~

An exact replication of one of the two lanterns that shone in the
Old North Church Steeple on the night of April 18,  1775.
This was put out by the Concord Antiquarian Society in 1975 for America's Bicentennial

Commemorating the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766,  this  "No Stamp Act" 
porcelain teapot has been adapted from an original teapot held in
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation collections. 

Tom portrays an 18th century Revolutionary War-era doctor.  
Though he is not a doctor in his real 21st century life,  he certainly knows his way around the medicinal practices of 250 years ago!
Imagine walking into a doctor's office and seeing these instruments!
Here are friends  (and Civil War reenactors)  Lorna & Russ getting their grandson a fine American history lesson.

Jumping up to the 1860s and America's War Between the States.
Joe had a fine display of Civil War items.

How Joe won the Civil War single-handedly~~lol~~

1860s Civilian Pearl had her fiddle and played mid-19th century music,  adding a wonderful soundtrack to the Civil War presentation.  Such tunes as Just Before
The Battle Mother,  Goober Peas,  Tramp Tramp Tramp,  Wayfaring Stranger...of which
all seem to enjoy.

Now we'll jump into the 20th century:
WWI is so under-represented. 
I mean,  I realize that the United States didn't get involved until 1917, 
but we still played a role and our men still went off to war,  many never to return.
During World War I,  the Salvation Army sent women to France to lift the spirits of the soldiers – and to serve them  (what is known today as)  comfort food.  Their food of choice?  Hot donuts.  The women became known as  “Doughnut Girls,” 
In October 1917,  Ensigns Helen Purviance and Margaret Sheldon,  decided to lift the spirits of the troops by providing some real home cooking.  With only flour, sugar,  lard,  baking powder,  cinnamon,  and canned milk at their disposal it was agreed that they would make and serve Doughnuts.
Kathy the Doughnut Girl.
The soldiers cheered the doughnuts and soon referred to the Salvation Army lassies as  “Doughnut Girls”  even when they baked apple pies or other treats.  (I've also heard these ladies referred to as  "Doughnut Lassies")~
The simple doughnut became a symbol of all the Salvation Army was doing to ease the hardships of the front line fighting men.  The American Expeditionary Force was nicknamed  “The Doughboys”  and from being viewed with an attitude of skepticism,  the Salvation Army soon became the most popular organization among the troops in France.
Doughnut Girl and a Doughboy?
When I think of World War One,  I also think about the War of 1812,  for both tend to be glossed over.
It was interesting that Doughnut Girl Kathy & I had a conversation on how the 20th century didn't seem to really begin until 1920,  because most folks - at least from what I've read - were still living a 19th century-style life.  For instance,  movies,  radio,  records,  electricity  (and the electric light) really took off in the 1920s,  though they  (except for radio)  were around before the Great War.  Horses and carriages were as common on the streets as these new horseless carriages.  Oil lamps,  with the large glass  "chimneys",  were still very much in use,  and,  though folks were moving to the city,  agriculture still reigned.

WWI and WWII soldiers~

World War II reenacting has become pretty popular of late.
I do love the 1940s period,  but my living history focus is pre-1900.
For the reenactors - both soldier and civilian - who portray people from the early 1940's,  the information coming directly from those that lived in that period is right at their fingertips.  These reenactors can actually speak to and hear first-hand just what it was like at home and across the ocean straight from the mouths of those who lived it,  for,  though this WWII generation is sadly dying off pretty quickly,  there are still many who fought that are still around and may oftentimes come to such events.  But to hear first hand accounts coming from those who were there can be mesmerizing.  One such account comes from the Time-Life History of World War II:  "The first torpedoes hit the Oklahoma with a crump and a boom.  One sailor later remembered a phonograph playing the popular song  'Let Me Off Uptown'.
The battleship's lights went out;  emergency lights flickered on,  went out,  came on again.  The big ship started to list.  Within twenty minutes it started to roll over."
WWII Chaplains are  "non-combatants and do not bear arms,  and while they show leadership they do not command.  Chaplain s have ministered to soldiers and their families for centuries,  during times of both war and peace. They provide spiritual support,  pastoral care,  and moral guidance to all."

Korean War~
Unlike World War II,  where the US Congress formally declared war,  the US involvement in the Korean War was initiated under the authority of the UN Security Council,  and President Truman called it a  "police action"  rather than a war. 

Like Korea,  technically,  the Vietnam War is also considered a  "police action"  because the United States Congress never formally declared war on Vietnam,  instead authorizing military action,  meaning that while it was undeniably a large-scale war in practice,  legally it was not classified as such due to the lack of a war declaration. 
Yeah...sorry,  but I just don't get it.  I mean,  call a spade a spade,  not a shovel!  "Police action"  sounds nice,  I suppose,  but both  "conflicts"  were wars in every sense.
I was around during the Vietnam War and remember quite a bit.  Oh,  maybe not the details reenactors and War historians may know,  but I remember the neighborhood men going off to war,  seeing the film footage on the TV news,  hearing the protest songs and chants,  and my sister's friend coming home with one leg,  for the other was blown off in a mine explosion.
My nine & ten year old self didn't fully grasp the horror of it all,  but I do remember it from a kid's perspective.  

Here are the March 7,  2025 historical timeline participants:.  
Here we all are,  in timeline order,  from the Revolutionary War period,  Civil War,  WWI,  WWII,  Korean War,  and up through Vietnam
I was hoping to see more from the earlier American wars such as 1812  (1812 to 1815),  Mexican-American War  (1846 to 1848),  and even the Spanish-American War  (1898 to 1902).  And not just wars,  but seeing civilians from time periods past as well.
The Military Museum in Eastpointe will be hosting another timeline event on April 12,  2025.  Unfortunately,  I cannot attend this one,  but I do plan to be at the June 14-15 Chesterfield Township's History Alive timeline event,  as well as the River of Time timeline up in Saginaw at the end of September..
With the Semiquincentennial  (America's 250th)  upon us,  now is the perfect time to attend.
There's a timeline right on this commemorative sign!

Until next time,  see you in time.

To read more about Michigan's Fashions Through Time,  click HERE
To read more about the Interactive Journey Throughout American History,  click HERE
HERE is River of Time from a few years back
To visit the Easpointe Military Museum's website,  click HERE

Doughnut Girl information came from THIS site
