us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of
man. When tillage begins, other arts will follow. The farmers, therefore, are
the founders of civilization."
Daniel Webster
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Preparing the land |
I suppose this could be a sort of beginner's guide.
I am continuously adding to this posting so make sure you check back every-so-often.
Let's start with the beginning of
the planting season for the farmer, the manure spreader:
I cannot think of a worse job in
the farmer’s year than spreading manure over acres and acres of land.
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This spreader is from 1905... |
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...and is designed to spread the, um, crap, far and wide in a much shorter span of time than the old way of standing on a cart and shoveling it off. |
Next up comes the plow, which to me, is most important since without it very little would grow. The plow breaks up and turns over the soil to make it smoother for planting. It is one of the oldest of farming tools.
There are numerous types of plows but the most popular seemed to be the various mold-board plows. The mold-board is the part that lifts and turns the dirt. The earlier mold-boards were made of wood, but by the mid-to-late 19th century cast iron or steel became the chosen style.
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The plow pictured here is from 1775 and is made of wood. |
Here is a video of a plow in action (taken in the fall in preparation for fall planting)
Henry Ford once commented that children knew more about wars than about harrows, even though harrows did more to build this country than wars. It was after plowing that the farmer would use the harrow to further spread and even out the dirt for planting.
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This particular horse-drawn harrow was known as the spike-tooth harrow and was built in the late 19th century. ![]() |
Here is a video clip of a disc harrow in action:
For hundreds of years, farmers sowed grain by hand; shouldering a bag of seed, the farmer walked up and down the tilled field, fingering the seeds from side to side. As a 19th century farmer said, "On spring-plowed fields it was heavy traveling for the man who carried grain and sowed by hand. Of course, it was heavy work, even traveling over fall-plowed ground, with the grain hung over the shoulders, and the steady swing of the right arm throwing the grain as the right foot advanced, and dipping the hand into the bag for another cast of grain as the left foot advanced."
But the sowing process and outcome
was frustrating at best. There is an old proverb that I recall hearing in my
youth from my own farming grandfather that best describes the planting of
One for the mouse,
one for the crow,
one to rot,
and one to grow.
It was Jethro Tull, an English
agriculturalist, who is credited with inventing the first practical seed drill
back in 1701, allowing farmers to plant their crop much easier and more
Then in Wisconsin in 1860, brothers George and Daniel Van Brunt patented a design for a combination drill and cultivator that was pulled by a team of horses. This was an immediate success and gained in popularity throughout the early 1860's. By the end of the Civil War the Van Brunt Company was producing 1300 grain drills a year.
Then in Wisconsin in 1860, brothers George and Daniel Van Brunt patented a design for a combination drill and cultivator that was pulled by a team of horses. This was an immediate success and gained in popularity throughout the early 1860's. By the end of the Civil War the Van Brunt Company was producing 1300 grain drills a year.
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This corn planter is from 1875. |
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Just a little bit better than digging a hole in the ground with a pole to plant by hand like in the older days, eh? |
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Summer haying |
the farmer, later June and into July are the times for haying. The alfalfa, clover, and timothy hay mixture reaches its knee-high height about now, and
just as the clover and alfalfa plants begin to flower, it's time to cut the
hay. Whether by hand with a scythe or, in the later decades of the 19th
century, the horse-drawn hay mower, the farmer headed to the hay field.
The old saying, "Make hay while the sun shines," is very true, for there was around a three week window from start to finish to make hay. So if the day was sunny and warm, what was cut in the morning could be raked by mid-afternoon.
Then came the tedious task of "making hay." Using a pitch fork, the hay would be piled into four-foot high and wide stacks, and these bundles would be carefully constructed so they would shed rain and stand up to strong wind.
After a day or two of drying in the field, these bunches would then be hauled to the barn by hay wagon to be unloaded and stored.
The old saying, "Make hay while the sun shines," is very true, for there was around a three week window from start to finish to make hay. So if the day was sunny and warm, what was cut in the morning could be raked by mid-afternoon.
Then came the tedious task of "making hay." Using a pitch fork, the hay would be piled into four-foot high and wide stacks, and these bundles would be carefully constructed so they would shed rain and stand up to strong wind.
After a day or two of drying in the field, these bunches would then be hauled to the barn by hay wagon to be unloaded and stored.
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A wagon filled with hay... |
The hay was nearly always stored on the second floor of the barn, making it easier to drop it down to the bottom as needed.
Haying season would stretch into late July, allowing a week or two to catch up on chores that had been overlooked. For instance, even though farmers would mend their fences before the planting season, the wood barriers always needed attention. This could very well include new fence posts along with the labor of digging post holes, which was a very difficult task.
One of the most well-known early farm and household tools that is rarely used in the U.S. today is the scythe. Considered in our modern times as an accessory for horror movies or Hallowe'en costumes (the Grim Reaper or the 4th of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse comes to mind), this all important tool was used for cutting (or reaping) grain, stalks, grass and other crops.
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Scythes...they have not changed much at all from the 18th through the 20th century. |
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And here is the scythe "at work" |
The grass sickle below was typically used for harvesting cereal crops or cutting grass for hay. The inside of the curve is the cutting edge, and is serrated. The farm-hand swings the blade against the base of the crop, cutting through the stems with a sawing action.
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Grass sickle from about 1850 |
The following is another grass-cutting implement, the Grass Hook. However, instead of dragging it across the grass in sharp strokes as the scythe, the grass hook is swung back and forth.
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The grass hook |
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As you can see, the grass hook does its job well. |
Now here is a very important time-saving device: the cotton gin. The "modern" version of the cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney back in 1793, which mechanized the cleaning of cotton. Cotton had formerly required considerable labor to clean and separate the fibers from the seeds; the cotton gin revolutionized the process. Mr. Whitney introduced a set of teeth in his cotton gin to comb out the cotton and separate the seeds.
His invention changed society in more ways than one might imagine -
According to the Eli Whitney Museum site:
Whitney (who died in 1825) could not have foreseen the ways in which his invention would change society for the worse. The most significant of these was the growth of slavery. While it was true that the cotton gin reduced the labor of removing seeds, it did not reduce the need for slaves to grow and pick the cotton. In fact, the opposite occurred. Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatly increased their demand for both land and slave labor. In 1790 there were six slave states; in 1860 there were 15. From 1790 until Congress banned the importation of slaves from Africa in 1808, Southerners imported 80,000 Africans. By 1860 approximately one in three Southerners was a slave.
Well, here's a handy tool that no farmer of 1840 should've been without: an all-in-one cotton gin, carding, and spinning machine.
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The ginning mechanism removed the seeds from the cotton while the carding and spinning mechanisms spun the cotton fibers into thread and wound them onto bobbins. |
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Harvesting flax...by hand! |
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My wife has a hay fork and I have a wood rake. A hay fork is used to move loose materials like hay, straw, manure, or leaves. Hay forks have a long handle and usually two to five thin tines. This one has three. The old time wood rake will have a handle that ends in a head with a row of teeth. |
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Fall harvest |
harvesting of the crops that our ancestors cared for over the spring and summer
was, perhaps, the most important and arduous job one could have. Similar to
what was written under the colonial part of this post, another of the most
laborious of the harvest tasks was to thresh the grain. As discussed earlier, up through the the later part of the 18th century and well into the 19th century
for many, threshing grain was done by way of flails. As the thresher swung the
handle, the flail whipped down and pounded the wheat heads, shaking the seeds (or kernels) free. Soon the kernels and husks (or chaff) lay in heaps on the
floor. Now the wheat (kernels) needed to be separated from the chaff (the
useless part) by way of winnowing. To remind you what winnowing is, this is
where the farmer and his family and hired helpers would use winnowing baskets
or trays onto which they would shovel the mixture of kernels and chaff. The
filled tray or basket would then be shook up and down and side to side and the
light chaff was lifted by the wind and blown away, leaving the grain.
At the end of the day everyone in the barn was choking on dust but the farmer now had clean grain to take to the gristmill.
A flail is an agricultural tool used for threshing to separate grains from their husks.
At the end of the day everyone in the barn was choking on dust but the farmer now had clean grain to take to the gristmill.
A flail is an agricultural tool used for threshing to separate grains from their husks.
It is usually made from two or more
large sticks attached by a short chain or strip of leather; one stick is held
and swung, causing the other to strike a pile of grain, loosening the husks. The precise dimensions and shape of flails were determined by generations of
farmers to suit the particular grain they were harvesting.
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Flail from the mid-1800’s. |
With a flail, one man could thresh
7 bushels of wheat, 8 of rye, 15 of barley, 18 of oats, or 20 of
buckwheat in a day.
The flail remained the principal
method of threshing until the mid-19th century, when mechanical threshers
became widespread.
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Here I am as a colonial farmer, threshing the grain.![]() Of course, after threshing, raking needs to be done with a three-prong rake |
From the year of 1840 we have a small threshing machine. As with the flail, threshing was
the process by which grains, like wheat and oats, were removed from the
rest of the plant...without the manual-labored flail.
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Threshing machines mechanically knocked the grain off the straw
instead of the hand-held flail, which was a device that took much more time and effort. |
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photo of the Moss Family Threshing Bee was taken in the late 19th century right in my hometown of Eastpointe, Michigan. The farmhouse is still in owned by the descendants~ |
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A 1904 Westinghouse Threshing Machine |
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Farm living is the life for me... |
Harriet recruited women to help
her in the kitchen. An enormous breakfast and an equally large noontime dinner
had to be produced. I rolled up my sleeves to do my share. The kitchen and
summer kitchen throbbed with heat from the cook stoves. Dishes clattered. Hurrying bodies bumped into one another as we carried platters to and fro. By
evening every muscle was screaming ‘no-no-more,’ aware the ordeal would have to
begin again at dawn the following day.
And then it was over. The
threshing crew moved on to the next farm, the extra hands paid off. There was
quiet and satisfaction of knowing we had made a good crop."
But, here is how Mr. Wilder, from Laura Ingalls Wilder's wonderful book, Farmer Boy, felt about the new-fangled threshing machine:The threshing machine "is a lazy man's way to thresh. Haste makes waste, but a lazy man'd rather get his work done fast than do it himself. That machine chews up the straw till it's not fit to feed stock, and it scatters grain around and wastes it. All's it saves is time, and what good is time with nothing to do?" (From Laura Ingalls Wilder Farmer Boy)
Yeah, give me the flail any time over the machine!
The farm wagon was of utmost importance in transporting the harvest to market. This high-sided wagon was used mainly for shucked corn.
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1880s farm wagon |
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TheCorn-sheller shown here is from around 1860. |
For ions the farmer had to reap his readied harvest physically by way of back-breaking labor. Hand reaping is done by various means, including plucking the ears of grains directly by hand or cutting the grain stalks with a sickle, scythe, or cradle.
Cyrus McCormick of Virginia was responsible for liberating farmers from this demanding and exhausting chore with his invention of the mechanical reaper in 1831. It cut the standing grain and swept it into a platform from which it was raked off into piles by a man walking alongside. It could harvest more grain than five men using the earlier tools.
McCormick moved to Chicago, built a reaper factory, and founded what eventually became the International Harvest Company.
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The mechanical reaper shown here, from 1850, is nearly identical to the one he had displayed at the London Crystal Palace in 1851. |
Next we have a self-raking reaper. Self-raking reapers were a step between reapers and binders, cutting the grain and preparing it for hand binding and tying. A rotating reel on this reaper drew the uncut grain into the cutting mechanism then deposited the cut grain onto the platform. A rake regularly swept the platform depositing the cut grain on the ground.
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This horse-powered self-raking reaper was built around 1876 by the D.S. Morgan and Company |
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Here is a 1876 Johnston self-raking reaper mower in action |
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Winter chores |
winter months of January and February were considered the best time of year for
woodcutting, and the rising of the sun was often accompanied with the sound of
an axe as fuel supplies were needed. Wood chopping had a dual purpose in the
wintertime: it warmed the axeman as it was being chopped and warmed him again
as it was burned for fuel. The men spent long, hard days in the woods, sometimes hiring out help to complete such a task. They would cut and prepare
specific firewood for the many needs such as for cooking, warming, and laundry.
amount of wood needed was impressive: in
Colonial times, before the improved efficiencies of the Rumford fireplace and
later wood stoves, farmers had to cut, split and manage upwards of 40 cords of
wood to keep their homes warm and their farms in operation.
Another example documents a family burning “twenty seven cords, two feet of wood” between May 3, 1826 and May 4, 1827. One impoverished woman mentioned that she endured a Boston winter
on twelve cords of wood “as we kept but one fire except on extraordinary
occasions.” Until about 1870, the most commonly used tool for processing wood was the American Pattern axe. Axes were very efficient for felling and limbing trees, but were not as good at splitting the trees into usable chunks of firewood. For this purpose most wood cutters relied on splitting wedges and heavy wooden “beetles” or sledge hammers to split their wood. Cross-cut saws were not often used for felling trees until the last quarter of the 19th century because they were initially not as efficient as axes and were much more expensive to purchase.
Franklin developed his famous stove, then called the “Pennsylvania Fire-Place,” as a tremendous advance in wood burning technology. On being asked about the
stove he had the following reply, which is as relevant today as it was then: "By the help of this saving invention our wood may grow as fast as we
consume it, and our posterity may warm themselves at a moderate rate, without
being obliged to fetch their fuel over the Atlantic." The net effect on
the lives of average Americans of this stove - and others invented in the 19th
century - was dramatic. By the 1850s the average northern farm required 60% less firewood, which meant that it required 15 cords worth of trees rather than
the 40 of colonial times.
(The information here on firewood came directly from THIS site)
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"The Early American ax or axe, historian Eric Sloane says, either is fine, was a tool derived from the European weapon. As its name suggests, a trade axe was made for bartering. Sloane suggests that Native American tomahawks were patterned after European axe designs. (Pre-columbian axes had heads of stone, not iron and steel.) Sloane refines the nomenclature of this type of tool: Its cutting surface is the bit; any portion opposite the bit is its poll. Sloane conjectures the reason for a poll was to add momentum to chopping, not primarily as a hammering tool."
Here is a bit more information I found from a variety of sources on axes:
"Tomahawks and axes differ in their shape, purpose, and history:
Shape -
Axes have a long, rounded cutting edge and a flat head, while tomahawks are shaped like a semicircle with a line segment extending from the center to form a spike, and another line segment for the handle.
Purpose -
Axes are used for chopping, splitting, chipping, and piercing, while tomahawks were used for chopping, cutting, and as a weapon."
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
I find old farming techniques and farm implements fascinating. I like to think, as
Henry Ford did, that tools such as what's shown here should be taught
in school history lessons right along side the teaching of war and
politics. It's unfortunate that these implements of necessity, and those
who used them, are just a passing footnote in American history.
In all actuality, Laura Ingalls said it best in her great book, Farmer Boy:
In all actuality, Laura Ingalls said it best in her great book, Farmer Boy:
BOOM! The cannons leaped backward, the air was full of flying grass and weeds. Everybody was exclaiming about what a loud noise they had made.
"That's the noise that made the Redcoats run!" Mr. Paddock said to Father.
"Maybe," Father said, tugging his beard. "But it was muskets that won the Revolution. And don't forget it was axes and plows that made this country."
"That's so, come to think of it," Mr. Paddock said.
That night when they were going to the house with milk, Almanzo asked Father: "Father, how was it axes and plows that made this country? Didn't we fight England for it?"
"We fought for Independence, son," Father said. "It was farmers that took that country and made it America."
"How?" Almanzo asked.
"Spaniards were soldiers that only wanted gold. The French were fur traders, wanting to make quick money. And England was busy fighting wars. But we were farmers, son; we wanted the land. It was farmers that went over the mountains, and cleared the land, and settled it, and farmed it, and hung on to their farms. It's the biggest country in the world, and it was farmers who took all that country and made it America. Don't you ever forget that."
Amen."That's the noise that made the Redcoats run!" Mr. Paddock said to Father.
"Maybe," Father said, tugging his beard. "But it was muskets that won the Revolution. And don't forget it was axes and plows that made this country."
"That's so, come to think of it," Mr. Paddock said.
That night when they were going to the house with milk, Almanzo asked Father: "Father, how was it axes and plows that made this country? Didn't we fight England for it?"
"We fought for Independence, son," Father said. "It was farmers that took that country and made it America."
"How?" Almanzo asked.
"Spaniards were soldiers that only wanted gold. The French were fur traders, wanting to make quick money. And England was busy fighting wars. But we were farmers, son; we wanted the land. It was farmers that went over the mountains, and cleared the land, and settled it, and farmed it, and hung on to their farms. It's the biggest country in the world, and it was farmers who took all that country and made it America. Don't you ever forget that."
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A hay fork and a scythe |
With that, until next time, see you in time.
For more on historical farming:
To learn about a year in the life of colonial farmers, please click HERE
To read about some amazing books written by Eric Sloane about farming, click HERE
Videos about historic farming, from the Tudor period through the Edwardian era, click HERE
Presentations I do on historic farm life, click HERE
To read about ancient farming in the B.C. and early A.D. eras, click HERE
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I had a request to post where old farm tools and other farm life implements can be purchased. Well, since I am based in the metro-Detroit area of Michigan, I can only show what I have relatively close to here.
About an hour and a half north of Detroit, in a small town near Frankenmuth called Birch Run, is a wonderful antique "mall" called 'Around the Farm.' This is an amazing antique store packed to the rim of everything farm and country life in days of old, dating roughly from the Victorian period through mid-20th century.
I 'stole' the following pictures from their Facebook page, for they have no actual web site at this time, but I hope to get more pictures either from them or when I visit next time, for they usually have nearly every hand-tool you see in this post, plus many more.
Their number is 1-989-244-6056
The only other place, besides other antique stores, that I have been able to purchase old farm implements has been from Ebay.
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I landed here by Googling "harrows" in search for a link or two to show people reading my blog what harrows are.
My blog is really new (posting old letters/photos found in a family homestead) so there won't be much, if any, traffic but I did want to share your wonderful blog with any potential readers that may come.
it would help some people to know where they could sell and purchase tools from the past. would you consider adding that to your blog?
I will need to research, but I know one place in particular - - check back in a while.
I was recently hired to demo an old farm stead. There were 2 barns full of old horse and Mike drawn farming equipment the new owners told me to trash. I didn't though. I now own plows, planters, and a lot of just cool pieces. But one has me boggled. I can't find it anywhere trough research. It's a horse and Mike drawn 4 roll duster. It has printing on the front saying Martin Cyclone Duster Fitzgerald Ga. It's completely intact and the wheel turns still. When the wheel turns this baby is still throwing dust that was in it when I found it. I was hoping to get more information on this piece. I have nowhere to put any of these great historic pieces and was hoping to find owners. I just couldn't bear seeing them thrown to scrap.
Have you found anything out about your piece? I also got one the same condition as yours.
I'm sorry, Matt, I'm not sure of the piece you mean.
You may not be able to do this, so check with your local area for a farm that will let you operate year-round. Source to know about Invest in Agriculture.
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