Yes, the Revolutionary War! That's not a typo.
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Yes, this is a drawing...keep reading... |
I have received permission to put the following images and information about the men shown here on my blog, for I believe this is a part of our American history that should be seen by as many people as possible.
Before you scroll down to see these haunting photos, I would like to express thanks to the man who has spent an immense amount of time searching for and researching the men pictured in the photographs shown below, much less spending literally thousands of dollars to obtain the original photographs. He is Utah-based journalist Mr. Joseph M. Bauman, and he has given me approval to post what you see here.
(Please see the bottom of the posting for more information on Mr. Bauman).
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Almost are this II close... |
How can this history not be seen?
And as you look at the men in the photos, notice the length of their hair. Yep - my argument to keep my hair long! It's funny when you think of it: many of the men in the 1760's and '70's had long hair (or wore wigs), and, 200 years later, many of us from the 1960's and 70's also had long hair. Who'd've thought?
Anyhow, without further ado, here are the faces of Revolutionary War history - - - - - - - -
Too young at the time of his enlistment for service in the army, Alexander was enlisted as a drummer boy. Recounting the past, he said he was a great favorite with Washington. After the beating of the drums of reveille, Washington would come along and pat him on the head, and call him his boy. On one occasion, “a bitter cold morning,” he gave him a drink out of his flask. He described Washington as “a good man, a beautiful man. He was always pleasant; never changed countenance, but wore the same in defeat and retreat as in victory. One day the General sent for me to come up to Headquarters. After the Life Guard came out and paraded, the General told me to play. So I took the drum, overhauled her, braced her up and played a tune. The General put his hand in his pocket and gave me three dollars; then one and another gave me more-- so I made out well; in all I got fifteen dollars.”
Milliner was in a number of battles, including Saratoga. Of Burgoyne's surrender he said, “The British soldiers looked down-hearted. When the order came to 'ground arms,' one of them exclaimed, with an oath, 'You are not going to have my gun!' and threw it violently on the ground and smashed it. Arnold was a smart man; they didn't saerve (sic) him quite straight.” After his service in the Continental Army, Milliner married Abigail Barton, aged eighteen.
He and his wife lived together for sixty-two years 'without a death in the family or a coffin in the house.' They had nine children, forty-three grand children, seventeen great-grand children and three great-great-grand children. At the time of his wife's death he was one hundred and two years old and still able to cultivate his garden.
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"The oldest survivor of the Revolution at 105 years old, Lemuel Cook entered the service of his country in 1781. "When I applied to enlist, Captain Hallibud told me I was so small he couldn't take me unless I would enlist for the war [ed. note: the war's end as opposed to enlisting for 3 months, 6 months or a year]. Cook agreed and served at the battle of Brandywine and at Cornwallis' surrender, ending the war. Explained Cook: "It was reported Washington was going to storm New York.....No more idea of it than of going to Flanders......Then we were in Virginia. There wasn't much fighting. Cornwallis tried to force his way north to New York; but fell into the arms of La Fayette, and he drove him back. Old Rochambeau told 'em, 'I'll land five hundred from the fleet, against your eight hundred.' But they darsn't. We had little to eat and nothing to drink under heaven. We hove up some brush to keep the flies off. Washington ordered that there should be no laughing at the British; said it was bad enough to have to surrender without being insulted."
Today Cook still walks comfortably with the help of a cane; and with the aid of glasses reads his 'book,' as he calls the Bible. "He is fond of company, loves a joke, and is good-natured in a rough sort of way. He likes to relate his experiences in the army and among the Indians. The old man's health is comfortably good; and he enjoys life as much as could be expected at his great age. Altogether, he is a noble old man; and long may it yet be before his name shall be missed from the roll of his country's deliverer's."
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His connection with the Revolution began when he was 16 years old. A year after he was drafted into the army he was taken prisoner by the Tories.
He was brought to New York where he was confined in the Sugar house in New York together with 20 or more members of his company. Sugar House Prisons were sugar refineries, sturdy stone and brick buildings. They were used by the British as prisons where captured American soldiers and civilians were confined. Two months later he and his whole company were exchanged for British prisoners and released. Rev. Waldo said he never saw Washington or La Fayette. A minister in the Congregational Church, he served for a short time as chaplain at New London. In his later years, at the age of 96, he was chosen chaplain of the House of Representatives.
"In his personal habits Mr. Waldo was very careful and regular. His standing advice was to 'eat little.' He drank tea and coffee. The control of the temper he deemed one of the most important conditions of health, declaring that a fit of passion does more to break down the constitution than a fever. His memory was excellent, differing from that of most aged people, in that he retained current events with the same clearness as the earlier incidents of his history."
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Discussing his service in the Continental Army....."we were stationed in the Mohawk Valley. Arnold was our fighting general, and a bloody fellow he was. He didn't care for nothing; he'd ride right in. It was 'Come on, boys!' 'twasn't 'Go boys!' He was as brave a man as ever lived. He was dark-skinned, with black hair, of middling height. There wasn't any waste timber in him. He was a stern looking man, but kind to his soldiers. They didn't treat him right: he ought to have had Burgoyne's sword. But he ought to have been true. We had true men then; 'twasn't as it is now. Everybody was true; the Tories we'd killed or driven to Canada.......The men that caught Andre were true. He wanted to get away, offered them everything. Washington hated to hang him; he cried, they said."
Commenting on the Battle of Saratoga: "The first day at Bemis Heights (we) both claimed the victory. But by and by we got Burgoyne where we wanted him, and he gave up. He saw there was no use in fighting it out. There's where I call 'em gentlemen. Bless your body, we had gentlemen to fight with in those days. When they was whipped they gave up. It isn't so now."
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William Hutchings 102 Years Old. Born in York, Maine on October 6, 1764. Died on May 2, 1866. Saw fighting at the Siege of Castine where he was taken prisoner by the British. |
In his later years he is described as being “an early riser and a hard worker. He smokes regularly, and uses spirituous liquors moderately. His mind is still vigorous, though his body is feeble. His memory is good, retaining dates especially, so that he is a referee in the family in the matters of history.” One of his last requests was that the American flag should cover his remains, and be unfurled at his funeral. This was done; and in the stillness of a bright Spring afternoon, in the midst of an assembled multitude, upon the farm which for nearly a century had been his home, all that was mortal of the old hero was removed from earthly sight, while the stars and stripes he had so long honored, floated above his grave.”
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My interest in the colonial period of our Nation's history goes back as far as I can remember. A couple of the very first books I ever bought that weren't considered "kiddie" books (way back in the spring of 1970 when I was still in 3rd grade) were called "If You Lived In Colonial Times." and "The Cabin Faced West," both of which are about the 18th century. Yep - still got 'em!
Of course, during that Bicentennial year of 1976 I was in heaven with all of the glorious American history everywhere: newspapers, magazines, TV shows, news reports...
And we even a very cool and patriotic sand sculpture a friend made in Lexington (great name, right?) right here in Michigan on the shores of Lake Huron back in that patriotic year of 1976. |
But I never forgot.
Even as much as I love and reenact the Civil War era, I never forgot our early American historical heroes and the men who fought for our Independence.
And now I can look into their actual faces - - - - I can see history!
And it brings the excitement and the times all back to life...
By the way, something very cool has happened in my own family very recently: my wife, after numerous years of diligent hard work (with my genealogical help) is now a member of the D.A.R. - the daughters of the American Revolution! Her patriot ancestor, Hugh Logan - her 4th great grandfather - was a Captain of the Botetourt County Militia and also served under his brother, General Benjamin Logan in Kentucky.
In September of this year, Patty will be sworn in to become a member of our local D.A.R. chapter.
And my two oldest boys, both in their twenties, have begun the process to join the S.A.R. - Sons of the American Revolution.
I am so proud!
One more thing - you all know how I have decorated parts of my home in a very Victorian manner, right? Well...
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...I've also added a bit of a colonial look to another part of our home |
As for the shelf: again, the Colonial Williamsburg site offers it at a price I cannot afford. So I, instead, went to Home Depot and found one very similar at around $25 and bought it. I also purchased a wooden wall bracket that was solid but had what is called (I believe) a swan neck front. I took that piece to my wood-worker friend who proceeded to shape the bracket, by way of a miter saw, and made it look very similar to the one at Colonial Williamsburg.
After a bit of staining - voila! - look what I have, and at less than half the price! I little bit of the colonies in my own home!
It's my own little tribute to my wife's patriot ancestors!
(By the way, my ancestors were also here on American soil during the American Revolution, but they were Quakers and, therefore, did not fight in the war.)
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Here are links to other books that pertain to the Revolutionary War and the colonial period (with links) that I have in my personal library that you may find
interesting - with, for the first time, snippets of reviews!Founding Fathers: The Fight For Freedom and the Birth of American Liberty by K.M. Kostyal
Kostyal tells the story of the great American heroes who created the Declaration of Independence, fought the American Revolution, shaped the US Constitution--and changed the world. The era's dramatic events, from the riotous streets in Boston to the unlikely victory at Saratoga, are punctuated with lavishly illustrated biographies of the key founders--Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James Madison--who shaped the very idea of America. An introduction and ten expertly-rendered National Geographic maps round out this ideal gift for history buff and student alike. Filled with beautiful illustrations, maps, and inspired accounts from the men and women who made America, Founding Fathers brings the birth of the new nation to light.
Liberty! by Thomas Fleming
"Fleming's admiration for the founding Americans, their bravery and their intelligence, is very apparent. Fleming's concern to present the British in a fair and balanced light is also apparent, and often portrayed as trying to be reasonable and responsive to many of the colonial concerns, if not always pleasant and courteous to the colonial leaders themselves. The writing is interesting and thoughtful, and done in a popular tone that gives personality to the people who figure in the events."
Reporting the Revolutionary War by Todd Andrlik
"For the colonists of the new world, the years of the American Revolution were a time of upheaval and rebellion. History boils it down to a few key events and has embodied it with a handful of legendary personalities. But the reality of the time was that everyday people witnessed thousands of little moments blaze into an epic conflict-for more than twenty years. Now, for the first time, experience the sparks of revolution the way the colonists did—in their very own town newspapers and broadsheets. Reporting the Revolutionary War is a stunning collection of primary sources, sprinkled with modern analysis from 37 historians. Featuring Patriot and Loyalist eyewitness accounts from newspapers printed on both sides of the Atlantic, readers will experience the revolution as it happened with the same immediacy and uncertainty of the colonists."
The Declaration of Independence - A Museum in a Book
"What our fore-fathers did was something that one would never see today - people willing to give one's life, to possibly suffer in a torturous prison - by signing a document to ensure a free and independent country where one would not have to be controlled by a tyrant; where a peanut farmer, an actor, or a backwoods lawyer could become the President. And this book gives not only wonderful written descriptions on how that all came about, but allows the reader to experience, through replicas of original documents that one can actually hold and read as if grasping the original (including a draft of the Declaration) writings that made the formation of our great United States."
The Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution by Benson Lossing (first published in 1852!
"Benson Lossing's history of the Revolution is a classic. A little tough to get through because of the archaic language and its lack of a chronological order but it is an in-depth look at the war for Independence.Lossing used the unique perspective of writing about the war by traveling through the states in the 1840s and visiting the various sites associated with the war. In some cases he was able to interview actual participants who were there during the historical events. He adds to his narrative by making drawings of the places he visits as well as reproducing paintings and depictions of the people and events of the Revolution."
1776 by David McCullough
"Both a distinctive art book and a collectible archive, 1776: The Illustrated Edition combines a treasury of 18th century paintings, sketches, documents, and maps with storytelling by our nation's preeminent historian to tell the story of 1776 as never before."
The Founding of the United States Experience 1763 - 1815 by Gerry and Jane Souter
"The Founding of the United States Experience: 1763-1815" is an excellent teaching tool in the social studies and history classroom as its interactive and beautifully packaged with lots of additional material such as reproductions, etc., that makes this not only a great teaching tool but also an excellent gift for any American history buff or collector. The book itself is a sturdy, oversized hardcover that comes enclosed in a handsome cardboard slipcover. The book is 61 pages in all, and includes an audio CD which features dramatic readings of first-hand reports of America's first decades based on original manuscripts and other contemporary sources (pre-war 1763-1770s), Boston Massacre, Paul Revere's Ride, Lexington and Concord, Battle of Breed's Hill, Declaration of Independence...Into the Louisiana Purchase, The War of 1812, and The Battle of New Orleans."
Signing Their Lives Away by
"In the summer of 1776, fifty-six men risked their lives and livelihood to defy King George III and sign the Declaration of Independence--yet how many of them do we actually remember?
Signing Their Lives Away introduces
readers to the eclectic group of statesmen, soldiers, slaveholders, and
scoundrels who signed this historic document--and the many strange
fates that awaited them. Some prospered and rose to the highest levels
of United States government, while others had their homes and farms
seized by British soldiers.
Signer George Wythe was
poisoned by his nephew; Button Gwinnett was killed in a duel; Robert
Morris went to prison; Thomas Lynch was lost at sea; and of course Sam
Adams achieved fame as a patriot/brewer.
with portraits of the signers as well as a facsimile of the Declaration
of Independence,Signing Their Lives Away provides an entertaining and
enlightening narrative for history buffs of all ages."Wives of the Signers: The Women Behind the Declaration of Independence by Harry Clinton Green
"Originally penned in 1912, this historical reprint showcases individual portraits of the fiercely courageous women who endured tremendous hardship as their husbands fought to build an independent nation. Women such as Abigail Adams, Dorothy Quincy Hancock, and Julia Stockton Rush contributed their wisdom, strength, and loyalty to the cause of the Revolution, shaping history as a result."
Home Life in the Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earl
"Though first published over a hundred years ago, "Home Life in Colonial Days" is filled with usefulness and vitality. In her wonderfully readable narrative, Alice Morse Earle provides a fascinating description of everyday life --- the chores, the tools, the dwelling places, the foods, the sights and sounds --- that Colonial Americans knew. Tough not a history of Colonial America, "Home Life in Colonial Days" contains many interesting tidbits about our country's earliest days. It also provides an excellent description of everyday life in America, with special emphasis on New England and Virginia during the 1600-1800's. As such, "Home Life in Colonial Days" would be useful not just to historians and antique collectors, but to writers, museum curators, and anyone who wants to understand Colonial America."
This list has concentrated more on the Revolutionary War itself rather than the everyday lives of the people (aside from the last one listed). I have at least a dozen other books with a wealth of information of what life was like for the colonists of the 18th century. Please contact me if you would like information about these books.
And, as promised, here are links to my other posts that pertain to the colonial and Revolutionary War era:
Reenacting Early American History
With Liberty and Justice for All
In the Good Old Colony Days
And How Long Have YOU Been Into History
4th of July 2014 - Celebrating the colonial way
Paul Revere - what really happened on April 18th, 1775
(scroll down to the bottom of the posting for links to Rev War books)
~I would also like to give Mr. Bauman the credit he truly deserves for allowing these amazing photos to enter 'cyber-space' and allowing me to post them on my blog.
He and I have had a "cyber-conversation" and I would like to present here his take on using photos on the internet. I do agree and, after making mistakes without giving credit, try to keep this blog on the up and up as well, and I will continue to try and not let oversights occur here if at all possible:
a writer from TIME Magazine's on-line "Lightbox" feature called me
for permission to publish reproductions of my original photos of Revolutionary
War veterans, I had some serious thinking to do. The images cost me thousands
of dollars and a great deal of diligent searching and researching over 30
years, plus, of course, my efforts in writing. As I had published them in the
form of e-books, the images apparently were not usable to copy and spread
throughout the Internet. But if I agreed with TIME's request, I would be
releasing the photos forever into the public domain.
The reason is that no photograph made more than about a hundred years ago can be copyrighted. All that the owner of an original image can do is to protect it from unauthorized reproduction by licensing the right to use a particular scan or image. When used, it would be printed on paper and the array of offset dots would render it useless for re-photographing. The owner could charge whatever the market would allow for reproduction rights.
However, if I allowed digital, high-quality images to be reproduced on the Internet, anyone could pick them up and reuse them without running afoul of copyright law.
After reflection, I decided to go ahead and release the scans. I did this partly because, with the publication of the article and credit to my books (which was part of the deal), I could sell some more of my digital volumes. But another reason was that I realized I have no claim on the work of the daguerreotypists and photographers, but only on their product. The images they took can't be copyrighted for a good reason. They are part of America's story and should be accessible.
So I don't object to their continuing spread across the Internet. I only hope that with my freely releasing these images, I could be given credit and the public would have links to allow them to purchase these books, if they wish.
Sincerely, Joe Bauman
The reason is that no photograph made more than about a hundred years ago can be copyrighted. All that the owner of an original image can do is to protect it from unauthorized reproduction by licensing the right to use a particular scan or image. When used, it would be printed on paper and the array of offset dots would render it useless for re-photographing. The owner could charge whatever the market would allow for reproduction rights.
However, if I allowed digital, high-quality images to be reproduced on the Internet, anyone could pick them up and reuse them without running afoul of copyright law.
After reflection, I decided to go ahead and release the scans. I did this partly because, with the publication of the article and credit to my books (which was part of the deal), I could sell some more of my digital volumes. But another reason was that I realized I have no claim on the work of the daguerreotypists and photographers, but only on their product. The images they took can't be copyrighted for a good reason. They are part of America's story and should be accessible.
So I don't object to their continuing spread across the Internet. I only hope that with my freely releasing these images, I could be given credit and the public would have links to allow them to purchase these books, if they wish.
Sincerely, Joe Bauman
If you are interested in obtaining any of Mr. Bauman's books on Kindle or Nook, please click the links presented here:
The Last Men of the Revolution [NOOK Book]
And, just so you know, many of the vets you've just seen are also in a book called The Last Muster: Images of the Revolutionary War Generation by Maureen Taylor, who took Rev. Elias Hillard's original idea from 1864 a step further and included not only the veterans, but "loyalists, Native Americans, African Americans, children who witnessed battles and aided soldiers, and women who nursed the wounded and even took up arms themselves."
As Hillard said back in 1864:
"Our own are the last eyes that will look on men who looked on Washington; our ears the last that will hear the living voices of those who heard his words."
Imagine! These men were contemporaries of not only George Washington, but John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Paul Revere, Thomas Paine, George Wythe, Alexander Hamilton...all of the Founding Fathers! They were around to hear, as current news, of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Love this kind of stuff! It really makes "ancient history" not so ancient. Thanks for posting!
Thank you both very much for such kind words!
Great to read of these brave patriots. One of them, Daniel Spencer is a direct ancestor of my wife.
My patriot ancestor also lived to be photographed. I wrote a book about his entire life from 1775 to 1858. You can check it out here.
Thanks for a great site!
I just found your blog! I’m looking forward on catching up to the present time. I loved the photographs of these amazing I witness’s during that time. We should never take for granted our current living Vets. Thx again for your blog!
I really wish that these photographers had visited Emanuel County, Georgia and photographed my 4th great-grandfather David Edenfield, Sr. and his wife Elizabeth Abston before they died at ages 95 and 91-92. David Edenfield, Sr. fought on the colonist side of the American Revolution. My 4th great-grandfather was born in South Carolina in 1761 and he died in 1856. His widow was born in 1769 and she died in 1861. I'll have to check with the Emanuel County, Georgia Historical Society and some old churches in this county to learn if they have any old photographs, paintings or drawings of my ancestors.
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